May 20, 2016

End Your Affair

End Your Affair with Food.

Hi I'm Darlene, food addict and emotional eater.

One sign of emotional eating is when you feel driven to eat.  It's not that you see the cookie sitting on the counter and decide you want it; it's when you actually go searching for the cookie because you feel you really need it.

It can be a desperate feeling, you have to have that cookie RIGHT NOW!  Or it can be just a case of the munchies because you have that small feeling somewhere that something is wrong.

IT really doesn't matter, because the outcome is the same.   

I have spent many years in a constant battle with food.  It has become all important to me.  At first, I ate mindlessly.  I would eat so much that I would make myself sick.  Then after I was sick, I would eat some more.  I would eat until my stomach was bloated and hurt so much.  I would eat even though inside my head I was telling myself to stop.  It was an all consuming addiction.

It was how I dealt with being sexually abused, with having an abortion, with having my loved ones leave, any kind of stress or emotion that came up, I would eat.

Now, I am ready to gain freedom from my emotional eating.  To take control of it.  On May 30th I am starting an End Your Affair Emotional Eating Support Group.  If you would like more information or would like to join please comment below or send me a message.

Thank you so much for the support and your interest in this blog!  If you haven't already, please make sure to check out Darlene Caron - Nutrition and Fitness where you can find more recipes, fitness tips, motivation and information on upcoming Health and Wellness Accountability/Challenge Groups that I offer.


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