April 13, 2016

Journey of an Empty Nester - April 13, 2016 - Say Bye Bye to My Results?

The struggle is real.  With Scott working nights I am having the hardest time sleeping. I guess starting tomorrow I will start taking Melatonin to help me sleep.  Ugh, it's hard to believe that I am so tired but my body just doesn't want to shut down because I am all alone.  This is truly going to be fun when Zachary graduates.  Many more sleepless nights.

Here is what I did today:

Workout:  Rest Day
Personal Development:  Deliberate Receiving Chapter 3
NWC:  Emilie Robidas:  The Art of Recruiting
Shakeology:  Chocolate Shakeo with almond milk
Bible:  Daily Walk Bible Reading Plan Day 1:  Matthew 1-4

When I woke up this morning, I promised myself that I was not going to get on the scale.  Yeah right.  Eventually I jumped on it and saw that the numbers had gone up. My first reaction was to get pissed off.  I mean, I work out hard every day, I am not eating junk food, I am not really eating much of anything but what I am eating is healthy, so why is the scale going up?  The old me would have immediately headed for the kitchen.  The new me decided I needed to contact my coach for help.  I was wondering why I was working so hard and not getting any results.  I mean was it worth it?  To listen to some of my family and friends talk about how I was wasting my time with Beachbody, with being a coach, with the programs and all.  I knew I needed to talk to my coach.  I needed her help desperately.

I wasn't able to get in contact with her at first, so I spoke to a fellow coach and while I was talking to Aimee, Amanda sent me a message.  They both came up with the same conclusion. :)  Great minds think alike I guess!

I explained to Amanda what had happened and we both agreed that I could workout every day and still sabotage myself by not eating.  My body would go into a starvation mode and I could say bye bye to my results.  I knew that something had to change but it is so hard to eat all of my containers with my work schedule.  Today I was working from 12:30 pm to 6:30 pm.  Another day of not eating correctly.  Right?  Wrong!

I immediately sat down and figured out a very basic meal plan for the day.  Before I left the house at 11:30 I had already eaten my breakfast and shakeology. I promised myself that during my fifteen minute break I would scarf down my salad and then have my cut pineapple on the drive home.  Of course that meant for a late dinner.  I had my dinner around 7:30 tonight.

This meal plan was kind of a success.  I ate most of my containers, not all but most!  It is definitely a step in the right direction. :)

Oatmeal with tea 1Y 1P

Shakeology with Almond milk, Cantaloupe  1 R, 1Y, 1P

Cuke, tomato, jicama, cheese, 2 eggs 2G, 1B, 1R

Pineapple 1P

Shredded Pork 2R

And to end off my day....I received a package from Beach Body.  I hadn't ordered anything so I was not sure what it was.  When I opened the box I saw this letter!

And then on the very bottom was a copy of the Fixate cook book and a Hammer and Chisel tshirt.  Freebies for completing the #MastersChallenge in January with a lot of other coaches, Autumn Calabrese and Sagi Kalev.  Oh my gosh I was so excited.  I mean yes, I had completed the program but I had forgot about this part.

Now, I have a fabulous tshirt to help me remember my Hammer and Chisel journey.  To help me remember how I felt every day that I got up before work to work out.  How I felt when I started and finished the Master's Hammer and Chisel.  This was an incredible way to finish the day!

Thank you so much for the support and your interest in this blog!  If you haven't already, please make sure to check out my DarLeanFitness Page where you can find more recipes, fitness tips, motivation and information on upcoming Health and Wellness Accountability/Challenge Groups that I offer. 

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