May 12, 2016

You Have to Eat to Lose

Truth is...I have been too lazy! :(
Have you ever heard the saying you have to eat to lose? Even after almost two years of doing Beachbody programs I still struggle with this one. For the last couple of months I have struggled with my journey. I haven't been eating what I should, I blamed it on being too busy, too much stress but the truth is I was just being too lazy!
When the scale started going up, even though I tell everyone NOT to pay attention to the scale because it isn't your friend, I started eating less. I went back to the mindset that you have to eat less to lose weight. There were days when I would go all day without eating and then at supper time I would eat something quick which wasn't anything healthy for me. Then of course there were the days I would eat my emotions too. Even though I may not have been eating a lot I was eating quick fixes which were pretty much the wrong choices.
The sad part is that I know what to eat. I know how much I should eat but I was letting excuses get in my way. You know, the same ones that I always do. It doesn't take that long to prep my meals for the day so that excuse is not going to work. The stress in my life....well I always have stress in my life, but I know how to deal with it now, so using that for an excuse is not going to work either.
In the last two days, I have started using my 21 Day Fix containers AGAIN. I have started planning my meals for the day AGAIN. I have started eating healthy AGAIN. I have been doing TurboFIre and giving my workout 100%! And guess what?!?! I feel so much better already AND the scale has started going down AGAIN! The inches are already coming off my waist AGAIN!
WHY? Because you have to fuel your body with the right foods. That and daily exercise will get me exactly where I want to be. So I need to stop sabotaging myself and just do what I know works!
I would like to invite you to join me in my upcoming accountability group #DreamBody Bootcamp. This group is starting on May 23. The only requirement for this group is to be signed up with me or one of my coaches.
Although a Beachbody program is NOT required to be a part of this group, I want to be totally up front with you. I know for a fact that you CAN lose weight without one of the Beachbody programs BUT I also know that when I tried it was so much harder. The programs have everything laid out for you so there is no guess work. If you follow the programs the way they have been designed you WILL get healthy, you WILL lose weight and your nutrition WILL change.
If your still not sure then you have an opportunity to check it out for FREE! Let the programs speak for themselves. You will not be disappointed.
If you would like to join the group, talk over your options or want to know how you can try a program for FREE, contact me on facebook, send me an email at or click the link below to be taken to the #DreamBody bootcamp event invite.
Thank you so much for the support and your interest in this blog!  If you haven't already, please make sure to check out my Darlene Caron - Nutrition and Fitness where you can find more recipes, fitness tips, motivation and information on upcoming Health and Wellness Accountability/Challenge Groups that I offer. 

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