September 20, 2015

21 Day Fix REVIEW

On June 1, 2014 I started the 21 Day Fix. Autumn Calabrese is completely amazing and I fell in love with this program.  I love the variations each day. It was nice not to do the same work out over and over.

Each Sunday, my daughter would help me with the meal prep for the week.  I would fill each of the containers, put that food into baggies marked with what color coded container they went with, then put it all in a plastic shoebox in my refrigerator.

Every night, I came home from work and no matter how tired I was I would push play and work out.  The key to any program is making sure to push play.  At the beginning you may not feel like it, you may think I am too tired, too sore, too whatever.  But at the end there is the "post workout high" and I always felt great.

When I started my first round I made sure to be in a challenge group.  I joined my coach Amanda's group, June 21 Day Fixers.  The women were incredible.  They were so inspiring and every time that I even thought for a moment that I did not want to continue, I would read one of their posts and then push play.

My biggest problem in the past has always been finishing what I start.  I did finish this program and I sent my results to Beach Body.  They sent me a great tshirt which I wear with pride because I know that I didn't buy this, I EARNED it!

This is my truly amazing coach Amanda Smith, and of course me wearing my new 21 Day Fix tshirt. 

Love it!!!!

In 21 days I lost 6.8 lbs and 12.9 inches.  I was truly amazed.  This program was super easy, a lot of fun and I really do love the containers.

I did learn an lesson and that was the importance of taking photos.  Your goodbye photos (before photos) and then your hello photos (after photos).  One of the ladies in the group I am in came up with goodbye photos.  I truly love that. So from now on I am going to use that terminology.

Anyhow, make sure that you take your photos, and measurements so that you can see your progress when you finish any program that you do.

The 21 Day Fix is amazing and I did 2 rounds of it.  If you have any questions or would like help to start your journey, message me, I would love to help.


September 14, 2015

Shakeology Super Food Sancha Inchi in the the Spotlight!

Today was a very emotional day for me. I sat in front of my computer taking turns between studying and just staring at the screen. I came across a video showing Darin Olien, the maker of Shakeology traveling the world looking for the perfect ingredients that go into my shake. After drinking Shakeology for a year, I am ashamed to admit that I had no idea what was in it. 

When I first started drinking it, I had been told that it was good for me and it would be a game changer in my health journey. I was told it would help me lose weight, but that is just one benefit from drinking this amazing shake.

So, I started drinking it. Yes, I saw the effects. I had more energy. My skin was softer. I didn’t have to take 8-10 stool softeners a day. My hair and nails were growing really fast. I wasn’t depressed anymore.

The benefits of drinking Shakeology are amazing to me and well worth the money I save each month to make sure I am NEVER without it! I decided I wanted to know more about the ingredients.

The first one is Sacha Inchi. It is native to Peru. These seeds have a nut like flavor when roasted. It is rich in Vitamin E and Omega-3 Fatty Acids.

Sacha Inchi promotes weight loss and can also help reduce excess abdominal fat. Oh yeah, I need help in that area. I’m with you so far, what else does it do for me? I was amazed to find that not only does it aid in weight loss but it also helps fight depression, reduce cholesterol levels, prevent heart disease and aid in the management of diabetes.

I’m sold! I have battled with depression most of my life. To know that there is something that I am drinking every day that is helping my emotional state, is a huge selling point to me. The money that I have saved from not being on anti depressants alone is enough to pay for my monthly Shakeology.

This information is not something I grabbed out of thin air. There have been scientific studies to back up the claims that Sacha Inchi helps with high cholesterol and weight loss. Sancha Inchi is unsually high in tryptophan,an amino acid which is essential to the production of serotonin, a chemical involved in regulating your appetite. No wonder I am not hungry for hours after I drink my daily shake.

This is just one of the amazing super foods that make up Shakeology. Amazing that every day in my little town of Dover Foxcroft, I am drinking a super food from Peru!

Please comment below, like and share this message! 

Make the REST of your life the BEST of your life! <3

September 9, 2015

My CIZE journey!

I wanted to be up front and completely honest with everyone.  Please bare with me this post is not the easiest for me to do.

I took the first photos of me getting ready to do CIZE on August 10th, which means that Sept 6th should have been the end of my month long journey with CIZE.  I have decided that it isn’t going to be the end though.

When I first started CIZE, I was completely committed to it.  I was having so much FUN doing the workouts that on some days I would do it 2 and sometimes even 3 times!  It never felt like a workout to me.  It was more of a stress reliever. 

I won’t go into the details because I promised someone I would not post about it on facebook, but I have some stuff going on with my family right now, that I am having an extremely hard time dealing with.  There is a lot of emotional upheaval with it, which of course brings on the emotional eating.  I have been struggling with eating right and sometimes even with the workouts because I have been helping my mom and dad more this year at the fairs.

Week 1 of CIZE I was doing fantastic,  I lost 3 lbs and almost 4 inches!  I was getting extreme results from dancing.  I never thought that was possible! <3

The second week I was at Skowhegan Fair for half of the week, so I wasn’t able to workout and watch my eating as well as I should.  The beginning of the third week I was at the Union Fair and then the end of the week I was at the Piscataquis Fair.  Needless to say, once again, working out and eating was NOT where it should have been.  The end of my fourth week I was at the Springfield fair, here we go again right?  

After working off and on at the fairs for the last few weeks and not being consistent with my Cize workouts my numbers have gone in the opposite way.  This is not the programs fault!  I take full ownership of my lack of results!

Why am I telling you all of this….it’s not because I want to excuse my lack of working out or my not so great eating for the last 3 weeks.  It’s NOT because I want to excuse my not being as active in my groups as I should be.  It IS to explain why I have made the decision that I made today.  I don’t want to share results that are not TRUE to this program.  It will take away from CIZE and how incredible the program actually is!  If I am not completely honest with you, then what would be the point of sharing my journey with you. ;)

With that said, I have decided to start a NEW round of CIZE. I am going to be COMPLETELY committed to this program, so that in 4 weeks I can give you some TRUE results and show you exactly what this program can do for ME and for YOU!

My starting measurements are:
Weight 173.6 
Body Fat 37%
Chest 40”
Waist 36.5”
Hips 40”
Right Thigh 21.75”
Left Thigh 21.5”
Right Arm 12”
Left Arm 12”

I did Day 1 Crazy 8's and was sweating up a storm!  I absolutely love dancing and I can't wait to see what my results are in 4 weeks!

I am looking for some accountability partners, someone who wants to do this with me. Together we are stronger!  Is that you?  Are you ready to CIZE it up?  If so comment below or send me a message today.

Are you ready to talk about your options and start your journey?  Are you looking for a free coach?  Are you ready to join a challenge group to keep you motivated and on track?
Clink the link below and let's talk!

~Make the REST of your life the BEST of your life! <3

September 8, 2015

DIY Coffee and Coconut Oil Body Scrub

Did you know that coffee can be more than the morning pick me up?  Check this out.

Coffee is a natural exfoliator!  Seriously!  You can use your favorite coffee in a body scrub!  :)

Exfoliation is the removal of dry, dead skin cells that collect on the outer surface of your skin.  The coffee buffs these skin cells off, leaving a healthy glow to your skin. This aids in our bodies own renewal process.  Amazing!

While it is next to impossible to get rid of cellulite, this home made body scrub will help firm and smooth your skin.  The caffeine helps reduce it's appearance and the coconut oil will hydrate and smooth. Plus, it smells fantastic!  It's a win win! <3

I am not saying that it will reduce your cellulite but coffee and coconut oil are rich in antioxidants which are beneficial for your skin!

Coffee Scrub Recipe

Use fresh coffee grounds for a greater concentration of caffeine

1 cup coffee grounds (used)
1 cup of Coconut Oil (melted)
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 TBSP cinnamon (optional)
1 TBSP vanilla (optional)

1. Melt coconut oil and allow it to cool but not solidify.

2. Mix all ingredients together and store in an airtight container or mason jar.

3. Use 1-2 times a week (or everyday if you like).

4. The coffee and sugar will exfoliate your skin and the coconut oil will leave your skin soft and moisturized

Make the REST of your life, the BEST of your life! <3

September 3, 2015

Why am I a Beach Body Coach?

  • Make the REST of your life the BEST of your life!

September 1, 2015

Get Autumn Calabrese's FIXATE cookbook FREE!

Did you know that September is Autumn Calabrese's birthday? Woohoo!
Maybe you don't know who she is...well, back in June of 2014, when I was at my absolute lowest, I decided to take a chance and try the 21 Day Fix. It was a last ditch effort to get healthy and lose weight! Not only did I lose weight, but I also learned how to control my portions! The 21 Day Fix was created by none other than, you guessed it....AUTUMN CALABRESE!
So, I decided to honor one of my favorite trainers and to help celebrate her birthday month.....
Drum roll please.....
Anyone who purchases a challenge pack or signs to be a coach (with me) gets a FREE Fixate cookbook! Want more information....comment below or send me a message!
Happy birthday to the amazing Autumn Calabrese! I can not wait for the sneak peek of your new program Hammer and Chisel to be on Beachbody on Demand starting in October!
If you would like to know more about the 21 Day Fix, Fixate, when my next group starts or how you can become a coach on my team, please comment below or find me at:  DarLean Fitness

  1. Make the REST of your life, the BEST of your life! <3