September 14, 2015

Shakeology Super Food Sancha Inchi in the the Spotlight!

Today was a very emotional day for me. I sat in front of my computer taking turns between studying and just staring at the screen. I came across a video showing Darin Olien, the maker of Shakeology traveling the world looking for the perfect ingredients that go into my shake. After drinking Shakeology for a year, I am ashamed to admit that I had no idea what was in it. 

When I first started drinking it, I had been told that it was good for me and it would be a game changer in my health journey. I was told it would help me lose weight, but that is just one benefit from drinking this amazing shake.

So, I started drinking it. Yes, I saw the effects. I had more energy. My skin was softer. I didn’t have to take 8-10 stool softeners a day. My hair and nails were growing really fast. I wasn’t depressed anymore.

The benefits of drinking Shakeology are amazing to me and well worth the money I save each month to make sure I am NEVER without it! I decided I wanted to know more about the ingredients.

The first one is Sacha Inchi. It is native to Peru. These seeds have a nut like flavor when roasted. It is rich in Vitamin E and Omega-3 Fatty Acids.

Sacha Inchi promotes weight loss and can also help reduce excess abdominal fat. Oh yeah, I need help in that area. I’m with you so far, what else does it do for me? I was amazed to find that not only does it aid in weight loss but it also helps fight depression, reduce cholesterol levels, prevent heart disease and aid in the management of diabetes.

I’m sold! I have battled with depression most of my life. To know that there is something that I am drinking every day that is helping my emotional state, is a huge selling point to me. The money that I have saved from not being on anti depressants alone is enough to pay for my monthly Shakeology.

This information is not something I grabbed out of thin air. There have been scientific studies to back up the claims that Sacha Inchi helps with high cholesterol and weight loss. Sancha Inchi is unsually high in tryptophan,an amino acid which is essential to the production of serotonin, a chemical involved in regulating your appetite. No wonder I am not hungry for hours after I drink my daily shake.

This is just one of the amazing super foods that make up Shakeology. Amazing that every day in my little town of Dover Foxcroft, I am drinking a super food from Peru!

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Make the REST of your life the BEST of your life! <3

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