September 20, 2015

21 Day Fix REVIEW

On June 1, 2014 I started the 21 Day Fix. Autumn Calabrese is completely amazing and I fell in love with this program.  I love the variations each day. It was nice not to do the same work out over and over.

Each Sunday, my daughter would help me with the meal prep for the week.  I would fill each of the containers, put that food into baggies marked with what color coded container they went with, then put it all in a plastic shoebox in my refrigerator.

Every night, I came home from work and no matter how tired I was I would push play and work out.  The key to any program is making sure to push play.  At the beginning you may not feel like it, you may think I am too tired, too sore, too whatever.  But at the end there is the "post workout high" and I always felt great.

When I started my first round I made sure to be in a challenge group.  I joined my coach Amanda's group, June 21 Day Fixers.  The women were incredible.  They were so inspiring and every time that I even thought for a moment that I did not want to continue, I would read one of their posts and then push play.

My biggest problem in the past has always been finishing what I start.  I did finish this program and I sent my results to Beach Body.  They sent me a great tshirt which I wear with pride because I know that I didn't buy this, I EARNED it!

This is my truly amazing coach Amanda Smith, and of course me wearing my new 21 Day Fix tshirt. 

Love it!!!!

In 21 days I lost 6.8 lbs and 12.9 inches.  I was truly amazed.  This program was super easy, a lot of fun and I really do love the containers.

I did learn an lesson and that was the importance of taking photos.  Your goodbye photos (before photos) and then your hello photos (after photos).  One of the ladies in the group I am in came up with goodbye photos.  I truly love that. So from now on I am going to use that terminology.

Anyhow, make sure that you take your photos, and measurements so that you can see your progress when you finish any program that you do.

The 21 Day Fix is amazing and I did 2 rounds of it.  If you have any questions or would like help to start your journey, message me, I would love to help.


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