March 29, 2016

22 Minute Hard Corps with Meal Plan

I am so excited to share my 22 Minute Hard Corps journey with you.  I ordered it last week but because I had access to Beachbody on Demand I was able to start the workouts almost immediately.  I have never been a huge fan of cardio, I love resistance training, but I figured this was one program I really wanted to try.

I am a big supporter of the US military, so when I heard that the people on the video with Tony Horton are actual vets from all branches, well that just pushed me over the edge!

I love how quick and easy the workouts are.  Each day is either a cardio or resistance workout and it only lasts for 22 minutes. So for us busy people, well that takes care of one of our excuses right?

Each workout starts with Tony giving a directive.  They are simple saying to help you complete the workout.  Like modify to finish.

I am starting week two and I love the program.  Resistance days are still my favorites.  Last week, I did well with the workouts but not so well with the eating.  So, I figured to help with that I would need to work on meal planning for this week. Today, I sat down and created a very simple meal plan that I could use for the rest of the week.
Workouts this week are:
Today:  Cardio 2 and Core 1
Wednesday:  Resistance 1
Thursday:  Cardio 1 and Core 1
Friday:  Resistance 2
Saturday:  It is Super Saturday this week.  So I will be doing a workout with local area coaches.  So I will consider this my day off from 22MHC
Sunday:  Resistance 2

I am committed to going strong this week.  I did have results last week, even with my nutrition issues.  BUT this week is going to be so much better.  I am focused and ready to go!

Hard Corps....Get Some!

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