April 11, 2016

Journey of an Empty Nester - April 11, 2016

Lately I haven't been feeling like I have been giving it all, for myself at least.  I still do my challenge groups but it seems like I am just not giving 100% and that has to change.

Last night I had a call with my coaching team and it was an eye opener.  Granted, we were talking about how to keep better track in our coaching business and how we could change things up.  I realized that my fears of failure, my fear of how others see me has been holding me back.  I do write about some personal stuff, that's true, so that isn't exactly what I mean.  I am talking about holding me back as far as asking people to join my groups, to start their own journeys.  I am so afraid of them remembering the hateful person that I use to be that I don't even ask.  Not good. :(

I started comparing my business tracking with my health and fitness journey tracking.  I don't track that either.  There is no accountability for me.  So, I have decided that I am going to turn that around.  Accountability in this journey is huge. Without accountability then it is so easy to back slide, to slack off, to start eating what you shouldn't be or skipping that occasional work out.
This is one of the reasons that I strongly suggest joining a challenge group. But when your the coach sometimes you get so busy worrying about your challengers that you forget about yourself. So, I decided that I needed to do something that was going to help me stay focused, motivated and to just keep going.

I renamed my blog: DarLean Fitness Journey of an Empty Nester. In just a few short weeks my youngest will be graduating high school and getting ready to leave for Ft Benning GA. I am super excited for him but wonder what I am going to do with no kids at home.
My son told me that when he goes I am going to need to get a life. He is right. My life has been about my kids but now it needs to start focusing on finding what I love to do and expanding my horizons so to speak. My first venture is going to be writing in my blog daily to share my journey and to keep me accountable.

April 11
Workout - 22 Minute Hard Corps Cardio 1...done
Shakeology - Chocolate Shakeo with water and creatine
Bible - Matthew 1
Personal Development - NWC Tara Bialek: Warm Your Cold Market

Today I had a horrible headache, I still haven't been feeling the greatest but I did not let that stop me.  I still did my workout and for the first time I was able to actually complete it without stopping once.  Yay me!

I drank my Shakeo right after my workout but felt nauseous.  I'm not sure if mixing the creatine and shakeology together is making me nauseous or if it is just because I didn't feel well today.  Whatever the reason, I have decided not to use the creatine tomorrow and see if that makes a difference.

I posted tonight on my like page about an event that I am going to be starting at the end of April called Back in the Picture.  I am really excited about this one and I can't wait to get started.  This one is going to be completely different than any group I have run before.  It will have a daily welcome post, daily accountability post, daily fit tip post and  daily recipe.  I am hoping to seriously make a difference in my challengers lives, and of course in mine too. :)

I took my measurements today:
Body fat % - 32%
Weight - 185.8
Waist - 35.5
Hips - 40.5
Chest - 38
R Thigh - 22.5
L Thigh - 22
R Bicep - 12.5
L Bicep -12

Thank you so much for the support and your interest in this blog!  If you haven't already, please make sure to check out my DarLeanFitness Page where you can find more recipes, fitness tips, motivation and information on upcoming Health and Wellness Accountability/Challenge Groups that I offer. 

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