March 21, 2016

Do Beach Body Programs Really Work?

Have you ever had one of those days where you look back at things you have done and wonder...why did I do that or why haven't I done that?   I mean seriously!!!

I have been working on my own health and fitness journey with Beachbody for almost 2 years.  I did my first round of the 21 Day Fix in May 2014.  Since then I have completed additional rounds of the 21DF, I have also completed the 21 Day Fix Extreme, PiYo, the Ultimate Reset, 3 Day Refresh and Hammer and Chisel.  I have done CIZE and tried some other workouts. The weight and inches come off when I am doing a program but as soon as I complete it, and take some time off while I am figuring what to do next, I start gaining again.

This isn't because the programs don't work...THEY DO WORK!  This is because of me.  I look back at my results and think, wow, that was awesome, but now I am going to go out to eat with this person and now I am going to let my guard down and eat this.  Oh I will take a few days off from working out...It's okay, I can make it up with the next program.  UGH!  It's not the fault of the programs but my own mindset!  Have you ever had that happen to you?

There are three things that you must do to lose weight/change yourself/become healthier

1.   Workout daily
2.  Change your nutrition
3.  Change your mindset!

I am so tired of getting amazing results and then screwing it up by not being as focused as I should be and continue on.

With that said, I have decided that today is the day!  NO more of the flip flopping.  I am going to focus on MY journey because I KNOW I am important and I deserve this.  IN the process, I hope to be able to help others to focus on their own journeys.  In order to do this there are some things that I need to change.

1.  Workout daily and watch what I eat (NO EXCUSES!)

2.  Keep myself accountable by posting daily about my journey, (ALL I CAN SAY IS BE PREPARED, I will be posting daily!)

3.  CHANGE my mindset!  This means positive reinforcement with Personal Development books and recordings.  If you have any suggestions I would love to hear it, post below.

4.  Help others by helping myself first.  This means doing some trainings on how to be a better coach, how to take it to the next level, possibly by taking some nutrition classes, becoming a CIZE instructor, Oh yeah here we go!!

5.  FIND OUT MY WHY...I always thought my why was my son and my husband, but it has to go deeper than that.  My son is graduating soon and I won't be able to use him as part of my why any longer.  So I really need to find out what my reasons, my deeper reasons are for myself.  Something that I can grasp a hold of and keep myself motivated with, even when the days of struggling to continue are pressing in on me.  I NEED TO KNOW MY WHY????

Today is Day 1 of 22 Minute Hard Corps.  I am getting ready to go work out now and then it is time to start getting organized, create a to do list and figure this puppy out.  I am tired of being a second rate coach, NO MORE!  My customers are going to know that I am giving it my all and that I am completely there for them!  They won't wonder why they have me as their coach, believe me, they are going to KNOW!

Follow me at:  DarLean Fitness to follow my journey or contact me to start your own.

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