July 3, 2016

Win the 21 Day Fix or Fixate!

Win the 21 Day Fix or Fixate!
  Announcing....dat da da da!....SPARKLE IN JULY! It's time to CELEBRATE!! What is it you ask? Well I am so glad that you asked! lol August 2nd is my Beachbody Coaching 2 year anniversary! Yay me! I have had the opportunity to help a lot of peeps...mostly women...start and continue on their health and fitness journeys and it has been incredible. Now I want to CELEBRATE!!! How? Well, I want to celebrate by doing a giveaway. The way it is going to work is this. I am going to do a point system for an entire month...yup one month...and announce the winner on my anniversary!Here is how you earn points...Oh wait. I bet you want to know what the prize is right? Well...there will be two prizes. I started ALL of this, my own fitness journey with Beachbody and in essence because of the incredible progress I got my coaching journey as well from Autumn Calabrese and the 21 Day Fix. So the grand prize will be, drum roll please....a copy of the 21 Day Fix!The second prize will be a copy of Autumn's amazing cook book FIXATE with a set of containers!

Now I can hear your gears turning wondering how you can possibly be the winner, it's ALL based on the point system. And like I said I will announce the winners on August 2nd! Point system...5 points...Sign up with me as your coach (for those of you already signed up, you are grandfathered in and already have the points ;) ) 10 points...Sign up for a club membership 20 points...Join a challenge group 25 points...For any order placed in the month of July B O N U S P O I N T S50 POINTS....refer a friend or loved one to me, make sure they tell me you sent them 50 POINTS...sign up to join my team and help end the trend Alright, this starts now. Any questions? Let the games begin! PS Don't forget I have a FREE 7 Day Abs of Summer Challenge Starting on July 5th and I also have a Program required group starting on the 5th as well. It's not too late to join! Please remember this is just a fun way for me to celebrate my coaching anniversary. The most important thing here is that we have fun while we continue our journeys. :)
You can also contact me at darlenecaronfitness@gmail.com
#DarleneCaronFitness #SparkleInJuly #21DFX #EndtheTrend

Fly into your new life with Darlene Caron Fitness!  <3

Thank you so much for the support and your interest in this blog!  If you haven't already, please make sure to check out Darlene Caron - Nutrition and Fitness where you can find more recipes, fitness tips, motivation and information on upcoming Health and Wellness Accountability/Challenge Groups that I offer.

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