March 23, 2016

F.L.Y. Into Your New Life by Overcoming Hopelessness

It won't happen for me  I shouldn't even bother trying.  This isn't for me it's for everyone else.  

There have been many times in my life when these thoughts would run rampant in my head.  I felt like there was no reason to strive to achieve anything because nothing good would ever come from it.  I was surrounded with negativity and I felt completely hopeless.  I had absolutely no confidence that future events would ever be positive.  My life was a constant source of negativity and I was miserable. 

I would see opportunities and wish that I could reach out and grab it.  I wished that I could just believe that I would be successful at it.  But I was always so afraid of failing that instead of trying something new, I would just give up.  I didn't have to worry about failing, I had already failed before I even began.

Many times in the last year and a half of being a coach, I was afraid of failing.  I wouldn't invite people to try what I knew was working for me.  I would share what I was doing on face book but I didn't actually say, hey you, I truly want you to come do this with me.  I knew it would help them, I knew I had the secret to gaining happiness and in how to be successful but I was afraid of hearing the word no.  

How many times have you seen an opportunity that was available to you, get super excited about it and really wanted to join but you didn't?  Maybe you even said to yourself, yeah I have a friend who tried that but well I just don't think that it will work for me.  It's not that you didn't see that amazing opportunity staring you in the face but because you felt hopeless you provided yourself with an excuse of why you shouldn't even try.
It is time to stop making excuses and stop being fearful of change.  It is time to fill yourself with new beliefs, stop dwelling on the negative or the fears AND surround yourself with the those who lift you higher.   Surround yourself with positive people who are heading in the direction you want to go, focus on the changes that you want to make in your life and in others.  Be the type of person you want to meet. Don't wake up thinking you just want to lay in bed because it's another dreary day.  Wake up, put both feet on the ground and conquer the world.  Think to yourself...who can I inspire today.


Surround yourself with positive.
Maybe that is listening to some great music or an inspiring message daily.  Spend at least 15 minutes each day in personal development.  There are some great free resources out there along with some that are definitely worth the price of admission :)

Take a moment to stop and the smell the roses.
There is always something going on in the world that could bring you down.  Before you let that happen, stop and count your blessings.  Are you breathing?  Is the grass growing?  The sun shining?  Do you have a loving family?  Friends to be thankful for?  Take 15 minutes to stop and jot down ten things to be thankful for today. 

Find something that you have wanted to try and as Nike says....Just Do It!
So what if you fall down or if it isn't perfect from the get go.  Does that really matter?  At least you tried.  And who knows, maybe with practice you can become the next Picasso or whatever.  The thing to remember is that you started, you tried.  You are NEVER a failure for trying something and not doing it  perfectly.  That is a learning experience, something that you can grow from and get better because of.  You are a failure, when you let your fears prevent you from even starting.  This has been an extremely difficult lesson for me to learn. 

F.L.Y. - First Love Yourself
Stop in front of a mirror and find ten things that you love about yourself.  You matter and what you have to offer this world matters too.  Practice positive affirmations, it may not be easy to do at first, I still struggle with it.  But this is a step that I strongly suggest that you don't skip!  Repeat after me...I am unique and special. I love my smile. I love my mind. I love my body.  I love myself.    Repeat this every time you start to feel doubt creep in and remember that you are loved!

Thank you so much for the support and your interest in this blog!  If you haven't already, please make sure to check out my DarLeanFitness Page where you can find more recipes, fitness tips, motivation and information on upcoming Health and Wellness Accountability/Challenge Groups that I offer. 

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