June 20, 2016

Can You Eat Too Much Watermelon?

I woke up with the insane craving for watermelon.  I'm not talking about wanting just a few bites, I am talking about having to eat a lot of it.  An overwhelming feeling of needing to it.  If I didn't know any better I would think that I was pregnant.  Which of course...I AM NOT!  lol

Ok, so I know what you are thinking. You are saying to yourself that it is JUST watermelon and watermelon is HEALTHY. It's GOOD for you.  It's NOT like I am craving chocolate, or ice cream, or even chips right?  Watermelon vs junk food.

They say that if you have cravings for watermelon, whether you are pregnant or not, it means that you are lacking certain nutrients. And that is why you are having the craving.

There are good and bad side effects from eating too much watermelon.

It is fat-free and is a good source of Vitamins A, B6, and C. It also contains potassium, lycopene and citrulline.  It can lower blood pressure and aids in the function of organs.  It can also benefit the heart and circulation. It can also enhance the libido ;)

But if you eat too much of it then it can cause nausea, vomiting, bloating, indigestion, irregular heartbeat, weak or absent pulse, in the extreme it can cause cardiac arrest.  It can also elevate blood sugar and triglyceride levels.

I am learning that it does not matter what you are eating, good or bad food, you still have to watch your portions.  A healthy diet has balance, variety and moderation.

Don't put a ban on your favorite foods. Enjoy the foods you love in moderation.  Getting fit isn't a punishment.

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#DarleneCaronFitness #AllThingsinModeration

F.L.Y. into your New life!

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