March 1, 2015

Beach Body Freebies

How many of you can say that you love what you do for a living? I can honestly say that I do!
I love helping other women achieve their fitness and health goals while I am reaching mine! I love the excitement from the women in my groups. They keep me motivated! I love the positive vibes on my team. These women are such a inspiration to me!
Ok, so maybe you can't say that you love what you are doing now. But I bet your employer gives you a lot of incentive to be better right? You get bonuses and motivation to keep going right? You don't! I DO!

I get fast start and team bonuses. But...I also get free tshirts, and free exercise equipment! They also give away free personal development books.
The best yet...I earned a free ticket to the coach summit in Nashville TN in July 2015! And believe it or not I have only been a coach since August 2nd 2014! Not even 4 months!
So, you don't love your job? You have to commute to work? You are surrounded by negativity? And you don't get motivation in the form of free tshirts/equipment/books and tickets to help you be a better you? You don't get the joy of watching someone else succeed, which in turn makes you a success?
I only have one question for you... Why are you still working there? Why don't you make a change?
I am starting a 3 day sneak peek into coaching group on December 6th. This group is all about coaching, what I do, and to see if it might be a good fit for you. It is a time for you to get answers.
As always if you want more information or you want to join in the fun, message or comment below.
Please like and share. 
I believed I could, so I did!

~Darlene <3

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