October 22, 2015

Ashwagandha, Shakeology and Hypthyroidism

Have you ever heard of Ashwagandha? Neither had I until just recently but I bet you know someone who has thyroid issues right? Check this out...
It seems like everywhere I go, I hear someone talk about thyroid issues. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism, (an underactive thyroid) 5 years ago and since then I have been taking levothyroxine every morning. About 4 months ago I stopped taking my medication.
The symptoms for hypothyroidism vary depending on the severity of the hormone deficiency, but usually any problems you have tend to develop slowly over a number of years. I barely noticed mine at first, fatigue and weight gain. I simply thought it was because of the life I was living and just getting older. If you know me, then you know that it can be 80 degrees outside and I can be cold, I am extremely sensitive to the cold.
This might be TMI but I have always had an issue with being constipated, to the point of having to take 10-15 stool softeners a day and still not being able to go to the bathroom. Some other symptoms that I have are dry skin, a puffy face, hoarseness, muscle weakness, thinning hair, weak nails, a very slow heart rate, depression and I am extremely forgetful at times. Like I said, a lot of the symptoms could be mistaken just for growing older. So let me just tell you how ecstatic I was to find that drinking my Shakeology every day could help with my thyroid! YAY! :)
One of the superfoods in Shakeology is Ashwagandha, which is considered a superstar when it comes to improving the health of your thyroid. It is extremely effective in balancing hormones. One thing that is incredible about Ashwagandha is that it works for people who have either hypo or hyper thyroid issues. Wow! It has even been shown to help support a sluggish thyroid for people who have been diagnosed with Hashimotos or even to help improve the health of those with Graves disease, which is an overactive thyroid. Amazing huh?
This herb works with your body to help bring back the balance, whether your levels are low or high. In a 20 day study of mice there was evidence that this herb has a stimulatory effect on a sluggish thyroid. No wonder I feel so much better after drinking Shakeology every day.
For the last week I have not been working out or drinking my Shakeology and I can tell the difference. I am constipated again, I have no energy, I hurt, I haven’t been sleeping very well and I have been so cold. After doing my research and finding out more about Ashwagandha, which is just ONE of the super foods in Shakeology, I am definitely going to make sure I NEVER go another day without my chocolate shakeology!
Actually I think I will go make a glass right now!
Make the rest of your life the BEST of your life!
~Darlene <3

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