February 11, 2016

Time To QUIT Hammer and Chisel AND BEACHBODY!

This has been such a frustrating and emotional week.  It seems like no matter what I have done I have been swimming against the current.

Today was the final straw.  My morning started off on the wrong foot because I was not able to do my workout first thing.  I had to go to work super early so I figured I would do it when I got home. 

I came home and decided it was time to try on some of my clothes for my cruise.  I figured with all of the fat weight that I have lost and the inches lost that I would fit into my cruise clothes and look amazing.  Wrong!  :(  My ass is now too big, thank you Hammer and Chisel for the amazing butt lift!  My pants don't want to come up past my hips.  What the heck?   

Do you think I really wanted to work out then?  Ummm...NO!  I decided to eat supper very early and I ate a lot of it.  It was healthy but my portions were not what they should be.

I spoke to my coach Amanda and figured out some things that I wanted to try.  I figured the first thing I would do is some cardio.  I put on Shaun T and busted a move with Cize.  I decided that I was going to do a video to share but was having a few issues with my family.

I was told that Beachbody is just a lie, that it is a complete waste of my time.  That I am pretty much a nobody who works at a dead end job that only teenagers would work at.  I will admit that this hurt and my old self came out and oh my gosh it was horrible!  After I threw a temper tantrum and trashed my den, yes doggie bones went a flying, I told my husband that's it.  I am tired of fighting to be a fit mom and wife.  I am tired of being put down for trying so hard to make a difference in my life, in the lives of my family members and in the lives of others.  I QUIT!!!!

I, of course, broke down and started crying like a lunatic.   I was a failure AGAIN!  Then my husband came up to me and said if it makes you happy then don't listen to anyone else and just do it.  Then he walked away.

At first I was still upset and said screw it.  I made myself a cup of tea and then went into my bedroom to read a romance book.  Yup a fluff book.  Nothing to help me develop as a person!  Yup a complete and utter waste of time!  :(

After an hour I realized that I was letting something that I could completely control ruin my progress with Hammer and Chisel. I have gone 38 days of working out every day that I was scheduled, and even though I had already done Cize for the night, I had not done Hammer Power and I felt like this was a huge turning point for me.  I had to get up and go work out, NO MATTER HOW I FELT OR HOW TIRED I WAS!

I went upstairs and did Hammer Power.  I lowered my weights tonight and did extra reps.  I felt great after!  Although I was still hurt by what had been said to me.

It dawned on me as I was working out that I had two choices...be a quitter or be a doer.  I didn't want to be the quitter anymore.   


I could quit being a coach and not work out or I could continue on.  I CHOSE to continue on!  I AM taking back the power.  I AM done being a people pleaser.  I AM not going to give up something that I love because of the negativity that is around me! 

I will NO longer allow the negative in my life to spoil all the good things I have.  I CHOOSE to be Happy!  I CHOOSE to continue on!  It's MY life, it's MY choice!

Sink, Survive or THRIVE...it's ALL MY CHOICE!!


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