February 22, 2016

Hammer and Chisel Progress Report

In the last 6 weeks I have made some huge changes in me. It started with opening my copy of Hammer and Chisel and then making a commitment with my daughter Kaitlyn to bust our butts and complete this workout before I go on my cruise in March.

So, I decided the best thing for me to do was to change everything up. That meant getting up 3 hours before I had to go to work each morning so that I could get my workout in. I have NEVER been the early morning workout gal. Let's be honest, I said that there was NO WAY in hell I would ever get up early just to work out! There have definitely been plenty of nights when I have been working out at 11 PM.

BUT...and I seriously can't believe I am saying this...I have found that working out in the morning is so much better for me! I have more energy for my workouts AND it starts my day in such a great way. I go to work energized and ready to take on the world. Who knew!!!! ;)

Change number two for me was making sure that my eating was on point. I am not saying I was ever 100% perfect. Because I wasn't. I had special days with my family at wrestling meets or birthdays, Super Bowl etc where I ate what I wanted. Yeah I know...(slap on the wrist!, BAD DARLENE!) But for the most part I followed my containers and the eating plan that came with my workout. It was pretty easy to follow!

Change number three....I did EVERY workout! No excuses. I planned my workouts each week and made sure that I pushed play. My natural butt lift is the proof! lol !

I have many times said that the scale is NOT my friend, to take photos, to take measurements and to figure out your body fat %. Well there is definitely a reason why and here it is....

THE SCALE SHOWED THAT I ONLY LOST....dut da da da....4.6 lbs! I could easily think, what not even 5 lbs in 6 weeks?!?! BUT...I took my measurements and they show a whole different story!

I lost 9% of my body fat! I lost 17.91 lbs of fat!!!! Hell yeah! ;)
I gained 13.31 lbs of muscle!!! Don't believe me, well remember that natural butt lift I mentioned? ;)

I lost 4.5 inches around my waist! My total inches lost is 27.25 inches!

Now do you see why I say don't just go by the scale?

I just started my new group yesterday and I am excited to see what the next 21 days bring! Then it will be cruise time! Are you ready to join me in March for an exciting NEW group? 6 weeks with a prize at the end! Are you ready?

Message me for some deets! <3

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