February 3, 2016

Hypothyroidism and Losing Weight with Beachbody

They say that if you have hypothyroidism that you CAN'T lose weight!  For so many years I would use that as my excuse of why I was gaining weight.  My thyroid is bad, my metabolism is so low that I have no control over it.   Some doctors have told me that it is almost impossible to lose weight if you have hypothyroidism and you are not taking your meds every morning on an empty stomach.  I have found that I CAN lose weight and NO, I am not taking meds anymore.

Am I losing weight?  You betcha!  Has it been easy?  No, but I am doing it!

For a while I was like a yo yo.  I would lose weight, then I would gain it back, then I would lose again.  Now I am actually losing and keeping it off.  Why?  Let me back up a bit.

In October, I really slacked with working out and my eating habits.  I spent quite a bit of my time at the hospital with a loved one.  It was a very stressful time and I ate my emotions.  I did not workout for the entire month, I did a bit of walking here and there but nothing major.  I gained almost 15 lbs in one month.  Nothing that I am super proud of! :(

I decided to start a round of PiYo in November. I struggled with getting my eating back on track.  I felt like I was hungry all of the time and I was so depressed.  I had no energy and was tired ALL of the time.  I was losing my hair.  I honestly felt like it might be time to start taking my levothyroxine again to help with the depression.  Instead of taking the meds, I put as much energy as I could spare into my workouts.  Pushing play was so hard each and every day but I did it, for the most part.

As you can see by the photo I did see some results with PiYo.  This was a battle between my thyroid and me.  I fought hard for every inch AND every ounce of fat lost. :)

I finished PiYo on December 28th.   As you can see by this chart my body fat and weight was up and down through out this program.

I started the Master's Hammer and Chisel on January 4th.  I couldn't believe that from Dec 28th to Jan 4th with zero working out and really not watching what I am eating, I had gained most of what I had lost back.  :(

I truly wanted to give up at that point but I had promised my daughter that I would do Hammer and Chisel with her.   I mean I had gained back 6.8 lbs in a week!   I had also gained 3.75 inches around my waist.  Seriously???

I really wasn't drinking my Shakeology either.  I was lucky if I was having 3-4 shakes a week.  I knew they were good for me but if I got busy, whatever, I went without.  Wrong answer!

I realized on January 4th that I would always be in a battle with my weight.  I would never get to the point where I could just sit back and not worry about gaining it back.  I couldn't think of this as a diet, or a short term program.  This was going to be a lifestyle change.  I was going to have to workout and eat healthy for the long term.

With that in mind. I started drinking my Shakeology EVERY morning.  I have not gone a day with out it since the 4th of January.  It IS the healthiest meal of my day, every day!  I have NOT missed one Hammer and Chisel work out.  I have made a habit of getting up every morning between 5 and 6 to work out.   I have been making sure that I eat 85% clean each day.

I truly believe that drinking Shakeology every morning, watching what I eat, using the 21 Day Fix containers/meal plan AND lifting weights and doing cardio with the Master's Hammer and Chisel program has made a huge difference with losing the weight and keeping it off.

 Looking at my chart now the numbers are going down, the scale may show some up and down but the fat loss and muscle gained is going in the right direction each week.  I am still medication free!

Twenty eight days into Hammer and Chisel and I am finally back to where I was at the end of PiYo.  I am actually doing better.  I am the same weight now as when I finished PiYo but my body fat % is 2% lower, and I am 2.95 inches smaller!  So it is working!

I believe that for ME to lose weight and tone up that I need that balance of cardio and strength training.  Hammer and Chisel has been the best thing to happen to me and I am so thankful to Carl Daikeler, Autumn Calabrese and Sagi Kalev for this program.  Is there a Hammer and Chisel II in the making?  Please tell me it is so!

Thank you so much for the support and your interest in this blog!  If you haven't already, please make sure to check out my DarLeanFitness Page where you can find more recipes, fitness tips, motivation and information on upcoming Health and Wellness Accountability/Challenge Groups that I offer.

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