June 18, 2015

Weight Loss Is Possible with Mission SLIMpossible Health and Fitness Challenge Group

Hi, I'm Darlene. I'm a mother of three and have been married for 24 years.
I started learning about making myself a priority with clean eating, personal development and exercise about a year ago. I have worked though stress/emotional/binge eating AND I have learned the importance of pushing play every day to keep me heading in the right direction on my health and fitness journey.

In Mission SLIMpossible you will:
- Learn about clean eating and portion control
- Work out for 30 minutes daily
- Get new recipes and meal plans
- Receive support and motivation
- Have me as your coach
This group will help you reach your goals and have fun in the process!
To apply to join this challenge click the link below:
Friend and message me at www.facebook.com/darlene.caron
Having support is essential so invite a friend to join you in this 30 day adventure.
If your ready to start your journey, comment below or send me a message for more info. :)
                                                                      ~Darlene :)

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