April 23, 2016

My Ultimate Reset Journey Day 4 -6

I will admit that this post is majorly late but I have been so tired that when I get home from work I immediately fall into bed.  My head still hurts but not as much as it did before.  Boy am I ever thankful for that.

My body aches a little.  It almost feels like I am getting the flu and I feel completely rundown but I have been told that is from the toxins being released from my systems.  All I know is that it is in no way as bad as it was the first time I did this almost a year ago.  That kind of has me worried though.  Does that mean I am not doing something right and the toxins are not being released or does it mean that I am not as unhealthy as I was last year?

I'm not sure which one I am hoping to be the true reason.  :)

Because I haven't been feeling the best I really haven't done a lot of personal development reading lately.

Bible: I have read Day 6 Matthew 20-23 More Parables of the King  and Day 7 Something Old, Something New, Reflection and Worship

I have been eating the same meals.

Tropical Oatmeal for Breakfast
Chocolate Shakeo with Pineapple for Snack
Quinoa Salad for Lunch
Black Beans and Rice, Sweet Potato and Quinoa for dinner on Day 4
Stir Fry and Quinoa for dinner on Day 5  Yum :)
Southwest Taco Wraps on Day 6

I can't wait to see my measurements and the number on the scale this week.   I really need to see those numbers going down to prove to myself and to my husband that the body aches and headache is really worth it.

Thank you so much for the support and your interest in this blog!  If you haven't already, please make sure to check out my DarLeanFitness Page where you can find more recipes, fitness tips, motivation and information on upcoming Health and Wellness Accountability/Challenge Groups that I offer. 

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