July 13, 2016

Time to Get My 22 Minute Hard Corps Challenge Coin

I am at the point where I am asking myself....what's next?

I am only on day 8 of my 21 Day Fix Extreme journey, but I am looking forward and trying to figure out what is next.  Whether it is what is next for a workout program, or how can I make my groups better, or what do I want to do now that the kids are grown?  How can I improve?

If you had asked me yesterday what program I would do next....well it was simple, I had decided to do Body Beast.  I wanted to conquer the beast!  :)

But things started to change yesterday afternoon for me.  We had an Army Sergeant come to the house for a last minute visit to answer any of our questions before Zachary leaves.  That made things very REAL for me.  Zachary is leaving on Monday for Basic Military Training at Ft Benning in Georgia.  Wow! Where did the time go? Sergeant Britton told us that hotels book up quickly for BMT graduation so I need to make sure to book as soon as I can.  Of course, I have already started scoping out some hotels in the area, which got me thinking about when I went to San Antonio with Kaitlyn to watch Alex graduate. It was an amazing experience.
One of the things that I remember most when I saw Alex graduate was the ceremony where they received their challenge coin.  "A challenge coin is a small coin or medallion traditionally given to prove membership when challenged and to enhance morale."  There are a few stories surrounding the origination of the challenge coin, but all I know is that they are a point of pride.

In the military, Challenge Coins aren't given away, they're earned by doing something meaningful. To own one is proof that you have been tested and shown yourself worthy of membership in an elite and exclusive group.  Challenge coins have become a trademark for military tradition and pride.  :)

So why did I just talk about challenge coins?  I have decided to show pride and honor my son by stepping up and doing Tony Horton's 22 Minute Hard Corps program.  For 8 weeks I will be giving it my ALL boot camp style.  I love that this program has actual military vets sweating it up with Tony as the drill sergeant.

THIS Army/Air Force mom is going to EARN her own Challenge Coin starting on August 3rd!

Isn't it time you EARNED your CHALLENGE COIN?

Thank you so much for the support and your interest in this blog!  If you haven't already please make sure to check out Darlene Caron - Team Oasis where you can find more recipes, fitness tips, motivation and information on upcoming Health and Fitness Challenge groups that I offer.

Hard Corps...GET SOME!

#DarleneCaronFitness #TeamOasis #22MHC #GetSome #GoArmy #GoAirForce #MilitaryMomma #ProudMomma #TimeToEarnIt

July 12, 2016

Can You Truly Get Results from 21 Day Fix Extreme? Check Out My Week 1 Results

After doing one week of the 21 Day Fix Extreme, I wanted to share my results so far. This round has been so different from my last. In my last round in three weeks, I lost 2% of my body fat, I lost 4.52 lbs of fat, I lost 8.75 inches and I gained 1.52 lbs of muscle.
Now....after ONLY one week I have already lost more of my body fat and gained more muscle. This is amazing to me. This just goes to show what following the program to the T and getting even an hour more sleep a night does. The results that I have seen in one week just go to show me that I am finally on the right track.  Fourteen more days to go!
Thank you so much for the support and your interest in this blog!  If you haven't already please make sure to check out Darlene Caron - Team Oasis where you can find more recipes, fitness tips, motivation and information on upcoming Health and Fitness Challenge groups that I offer.

July 10, 2016

Foods to Avoid If You Have Hypothyroidism

I am finding out that there is so much that I do not know about my thyroid condition.  I have hypothyroidism, I was diagnosed about 5 years ago and I am supposed to take Levothyroxine daily for it.  My problem is that with my new insurance I had to find a new doctor, so I have not had any of my medication for months.  My doctor’s appointment isn’t for another month. So I have been doing some research to find out all that I can about this, what I should eat etc.

I have found that there are certain foods that I should be avoiding or limiting. I am still researching this, so please don't take my word for it. Verify it! 

One of them is soy.   I don’t think that will be a problem unless there is hidden soy in the food that I am eating.  I guess I will need to check that out.

I eat a lot of veggies but found that people with hypothyroidism may want to limit their intake of broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, turnips, and bok choy.  I love broccoli and brussel sprouts so this one may be a little more of a challenge. If you cook these veggies than it can reduce the effect that they have on the thyroid gland.  So I need to make sure to limit myself to no more than 5 ounces a day.  I can do that.  I admit this kind of confuses me so I have a lot of research to do.  Broccoli and cauliflower has selenium in it, which is good for your thyroid.  So I guess in moderation it is ok.  LIke I said I am still learning about this.  :)

I have found that people with thyroid issues should limit their intake of gluten.  Apparently gluten can irritate your small intestine which can interfere with the absorption of your thyroid medicine.  Wow, I have been taking meds for my thyroid for many years and I have never been told that.  If you are going to continue eating gluten, then make sure to take your meds a couple of hours before you eat anything with gluten in it.

Did you know that fatty foods can interfere with your thyroid’s ability to produce hormone?  Some professionals recommend that you don’t eat fried food and reduce the amount of fat you eat from butter, mayo, margarine and fatty cuts of meat.

 Your metabolism is slowed down because of the hypothyroidism.  That makes it easy to put on the weight, and from experience I can tell you that it is so difficult to lose it because of the slow metabolism.  So of course, that means reducing or avoiding sugary foods, they have lots of calories and no nutritional value.  I think it is time for me to cut back on my sugar intake.

Did you know that people with an underactive thyroid have an increased risk for high blood pressure? Too much sodium from processed foods can increase that risk. So you should read the nutrition label to find food that is low in sodium.

I always thought that getting a lot of fiber was good for me. Little did I know that if you get to much it can complicate my hypothyroidism treatment. You should only get 25-30 mg each day. The amounts of fiber from whole grains, veggies, fruits, beans and legumes that are above that level can affect the digestive system and interfere with medication absorption.  Wow, another one that I have to start thinking about more.

I wasn’t very happy to find that caffeine has been found to block thyroid medication absorption. I used to take my meds with my morning coffee.  Not a great idea. People who have taken their meds with their coffee have been shown to have uncontrollable thyroid levels. So you should only take your meds with water. And it is recommended to wait at least 30 minutes AFTER you take your meds before you have a cup of coffee.

I don’t know about you but I know I have some homework to work on.  I need to cut back on my sugar intake.  If it is more than 5g per serving I am going to cut it out. I need to look into cutting back or cutting out gluten from my diet.  I’m not sure where to begin with this so I really need to start researching. AND as much as I hate to think about doing this, I think it is time to cut out coffee again or at least cut back on how much I drink each day.  Oh my so many changes, but it’s going to be all about the baby steps with this one.  Trying to make too many changes at once would just be setting myself up for failure and I truly don't want that.  Even small changes will be a help right?   A work in progress.  

I have so much research to do. :)

Thank you so much for the support and your interest in this blog!  If you haven't already please make sure t check out Darlene Caron - Team Oasis where you can find more recipes, fitness tips, motivation and information on upcoming Health and Fitness Challenge groups that I offer.

F.L.Y. into your new life! <3

July 9, 2016

Why I Share My Beachbody Journey

Have you ever looked at some of the pictures on social media and wondered to yourself...what were they thinking?  Why on earth would they share that?  That is so personal.

For the last two years I have been one of the people that has shared most of her life on social media.  Not just the great photos of my kids and sporting events, or family functions, but those embarrassing bikini photos, the photos of my eating, the photos of me sweating like a pig, with no makeup on.  Ugh!
But the question is why?  WHY?  Why share something that makes me tremble and my insides turn to jelly when I am getting ready to hit the submit button?  Why show people what I look like without layers of clothes on?  Why show others how imperfect that I am, how much I fail daily?

I wish I could say that the reason is simple, but it's not.  When I first started my journey, it was because I wanted the accountability.  I put those nasty photos out there so that I would have motivation to change things up.  I needed to change.  I wanted to be able to keep up with my kids at sporting events.  I didn't want THEM to be embarrassed by their obese mom.

Two years later, things have definitely changed.  I am a work in progress still and I have lost some weight, toned things up and I can actually breathe when going for a walk.  My reason for coaching has changed too.

It seems so sleazy to say I want to help people.  How many times have you heard that before?  But the truth is...I do!  BUT at the same time that I am helping others I will be helping myself as well.

When I run a challenge group,  it holds my challengers accountable, gives them motivation and ideas BUT the biggest benefit is that I am being held accountable as well.  I mean, if I am NOT walking the walk, who is going to listen to anything that I say.  I am not perfect though.  I have had times when I thought, wow, I just finished this program, had amazing results and now I can eat all of the crap I want.  Why not, it's not like I can't do the program again.  So my mindset was not where it actually needed to be, now was it?

Growing up I was a victim, I allowed myself to remain a victim as an adult and I fell into a huge black hole.  I was depressed, I felt worthless, I felt completely out of control and I hated it.  Now, I am gaining back my control.  I am learning that I am NOT worthless and sometimes, well I still battle depression.  Nothing in life is perfect right?  It's a work in progress.

So how am I finding my worth, getting over my fears and taking back control?  By sharing my journey with other women (some men).  I show them that there is a way to dig out of the darkness and step into the light.  I know that sounds like a cliche.

The one thing that I am in complete control over is me.  I am in control over whether or not I work out, what I eat, whether I allow myself to remain a victim or become a beast who overcomes everything.  I want to share this with others. I know how being sexually abused feels.  I know how being in the dark feels BUT I also know how being full of energy and coming together with other women (and men) who love themselves enough to work out and take care of their bodies feels.

I admit that I am a horrible sales person.  I don't make the ladies in my groups buy Beachbody products.  NOT because I don't believe they work, I KNOW they do, BUT because I know that there are many ways that do work.  And as long as we are all on the same journey does it matter if you are doing the 21 Day Fix Extreme with me or doing your own program?  We are all trying to get healthy right?

Now, with that said, let me say that I don't know why ANYONE who is trying to get healthy doesn't use a Beachbody program.  I mean, they take all of the guess work out of it.  There is NO question to what workout you will do on any specific day, it is spelled out for you.  There is  NO question about what you should eat, it is spelled out for you.  They make it simple to get healthy.  Sure it costs money, but so does any other workout, shake or gym membership.  I have spent money on all of it and you see what I am still doing.  That speaks volumes.  I am not giving up on this approach because IT WORKS FOR ME!

When I first started coaching I was so gung ho about advancing in rank, making lots of money etc, that sometimes I would forget why I started.  Coaching to me IS NOT ABOUT THE RANK, MONEY OR SUCCESS CLUB POINTS.  Coaching to me is ALL ABOUT HELPING OTHERS GAIN THEIR FREEDOM FROM NASTY UNHEALTHY HABITS, TO TAKE BACK CONTROL, TO EMPOWER THEM AND SHOW THEM THAT THEY ARE WORTH IT!  To learn how to become healthy and treating their bodies right by working out and changing their eating habits.  I also firmly believe in reading books to help you with your mindset.  To get you out of the negativity and show you how to love you for you.

Thank you so much for the support and your interest in this blog!  If you haven't already please make sure to check out Darlene Caron Health and Fitness Coach where you can find more recipes, fitness tips, motivation and information on upcoming Health and Fitness Challenge groups that I offer.

Whether you want to join one of my groups or not, I would love to have the opportunity to talk to you.  

F.L.Y. into your new life with me! <3

July 5, 2016

Thanks Beachbody!

I am trying to get rid of the negative energy that has been surrounding me this past month.  I figured that the best way to do that is to share something that I am thankful for.  Of course I am thankful for my daughter, but this post is about SO much more than that!

I am thankful to Carl Daikeler​ and Beachbody today.  You have absolutely NO idea why and that is ok.  Let me explain.  Being a Beachbody coach is about changing lives right?  RIGHT!  I work with others on their physical transformations BUT there is a lot more to it than just the physical side.  We also work on mental transformations.  Changing how you feel about things, what you focus on.  Thankfully this is not just for my clients BUT for myself as well.

Beachbody has given Kaitlyn​ and me something to share besides being related.  We are BOTH coaches! <3  Last year I was blessed that Kait and I were able to go to our FIRST Coach Summit in Nashville and we had an amazing time.  We were able to meet other coaches, who have become closer than some family members, from our team.  Had a great time bonding with her over something that I am very passionate about.  <3 <3 <3

Once again, Kait and I will meet in Nashville for ANOTHER coach summit and I am so excited!  I leave in 22 days!!!!  We will work out with Autumn Calabrese​ AGAIN and meet up with a lot of other coaches!  It is such an amazing time.  I love being surrounded by all of the love and positivity from the other coaches.

Anyhow, long story trying to be short, thank you Beachbody and Carl  for not only giving me an outlet to help other women achieve their goals BUT for also giving me the opportunity to see my beautiful daughter.  This is our yearly visit and I just wanted to say thank you for making it happen.

Next year, we should have summit somewhere tropical what do you think?  lol

Thank you so much for the support and your interest in this blog!  If you haven't already, please make sure to check out Darlene Caron - Health and Fitness Coach where you can find more recipes, fitness tips, motivation and information on upcoming health and fitness challenge groups that I offer.

 You can also reach out to me by email: darlenecaronfitness@gmail.com

July 3, 2016

Win the 21 Day Fix or Fixate!

Win the 21 Day Fix or Fixate!
  Announcing....dat da da da!....SPARKLE IN JULY! It's time to CELEBRATE!! What is it you ask? Well I am so glad that you asked! lol August 2nd is my Beachbody Coaching 2 year anniversary! Yay me! I have had the opportunity to help a lot of peeps...mostly women...start and continue on their health and fitness journeys and it has been incredible. Now I want to CELEBRATE!!! How? Well, I want to celebrate by doing a giveaway. The way it is going to work is this. I am going to do a point system for an entire month...yup one month...and announce the winner on my anniversary!Here is how you earn points...Oh wait. I bet you want to know what the prize is right? Well...there will be two prizes. I started ALL of this, my own fitness journey with Beachbody and in essence because of the incredible progress I got my coaching journey as well from Autumn Calabrese and the 21 Day Fix. So the grand prize will be, drum roll please....a copy of the 21 Day Fix!The second prize will be a copy of Autumn's amazing cook book FIXATE with a set of containers!

Now I can hear your gears turning wondering how you can possibly be the winner, it's ALL based on the point system. And like I said I will announce the winners on August 2nd! Point system...5 points...Sign up with me as your coach (for those of you already signed up, you are grandfathered in and already have the points ;) ) 10 points...Sign up for a club membership 20 points...Join a challenge group 25 points...For any order placed in the month of July B O N U S P O I N T S50 POINTS....refer a friend or loved one to me, make sure they tell me you sent them 50 POINTS...sign up to join my team and help end the trend Alright, this starts now. Any questions? Let the games begin! PS Don't forget I have a FREE 7 Day Abs of Summer Challenge Starting on July 5th and I also have a Program required group starting on the 5th as well. It's not too late to join! Please remember this is just a fun way for me to celebrate my coaching anniversary. The most important thing here is that we have fun while we continue our journeys. :)
You can also contact me at darlenecaronfitness@gmail.com
#DarleneCaronFitness #SparkleInJuly #21DFX #EndtheTrend

Fly into your new life with Darlene Caron Fitness!  <3

Thank you so much for the support and your interest in this blog!  If you haven't already, please make sure to check out Darlene Caron - Nutrition and Fitness where you can find more recipes, fitness tips, motivation and information on upcoming Health and Wellness Accountability/Challenge Groups that I offer.