July 13, 2016

Time to Get My 22 Minute Hard Corps Challenge Coin

I am at the point where I am asking myself....what's next?

I am only on day 8 of my 21 Day Fix Extreme journey, but I am looking forward and trying to figure out what is next.  Whether it is what is next for a workout program, or how can I make my groups better, or what do I want to do now that the kids are grown?  How can I improve?

If you had asked me yesterday what program I would do next....well it was simple, I had decided to do Body Beast.  I wanted to conquer the beast!  :)

But things started to change yesterday afternoon for me.  We had an Army Sergeant come to the house for a last minute visit to answer any of our questions before Zachary leaves.  That made things very REAL for me.  Zachary is leaving on Monday for Basic Military Training at Ft Benning in Georgia.  Wow! Where did the time go? Sergeant Britton told us that hotels book up quickly for BMT graduation so I need to make sure to book as soon as I can.  Of course, I have already started scoping out some hotels in the area, which got me thinking about when I went to San Antonio with Kaitlyn to watch Alex graduate. It was an amazing experience.
One of the things that I remember most when I saw Alex graduate was the ceremony where they received their challenge coin.  "A challenge coin is a small coin or medallion traditionally given to prove membership when challenged and to enhance morale."  There are a few stories surrounding the origination of the challenge coin, but all I know is that they are a point of pride.

In the military, Challenge Coins aren't given away, they're earned by doing something meaningful. To own one is proof that you have been tested and shown yourself worthy of membership in an elite and exclusive group.  Challenge coins have become a trademark for military tradition and pride.  :)

So why did I just talk about challenge coins?  I have decided to show pride and honor my son by stepping up and doing Tony Horton's 22 Minute Hard Corps program.  For 8 weeks I will be giving it my ALL boot camp style.  I love that this program has actual military vets sweating it up with Tony as the drill sergeant.

THIS Army/Air Force mom is going to EARN her own Challenge Coin starting on August 3rd!

Isn't it time you EARNED your CHALLENGE COIN?

Thank you so much for the support and your interest in this blog!  If you haven't already please make sure to check out Darlene Caron - Team Oasis where you can find more recipes, fitness tips, motivation and information on upcoming Health and Fitness Challenge groups that I offer.

Hard Corps...GET SOME!

#DarleneCaronFitness #TeamOasis #22MHC #GetSome #GoArmy #GoAirForce #MilitaryMomma #ProudMomma #TimeToEarnIt

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