February 28, 2017

Shakeology Ingredient Spotlight...Folic Acid

The next ingredient on my virtual shopping trip is Folic Acid.
What is it? Folic Acid is a B Vitamin which is usually found in dried beans, peas, lentils, oranges, whole-wheat products, liver, asparagus, beets, broccoli, brussel sprouts, and spinach. Every cell in your body needs it for normal growth and development.
Folic Acid can be used to treat certain types of anemia which is the lack of red blood cells, caused by folic acid deficiency.
The March of Dimes recommends taking folic acid even if you are not trying to get pregnant. It can prevent birth defects of the brain and spine. Some studies even show that it can help prevent heart health issues with babies and even cleft lip.
Studies have shown that it may prevent heart disease, depression, type 2 diabetes and help to prevent Alzheimer's.
These are definitely great health benefits but I wanted to focus on just a few of them that are close to me.
How does Folic Acid protect your heart? It pairs with B12 to help with the metabolism of the amino acids homocysteine and methonine. Without folic acid, these levels can cause blood to clot easily and cause heart attacks and cardiovascular disease.
Folic acid is believed to help with regulating your moods. Studies show that people who have a folic acid deficiency are less responsive to antidepressant meds. So supplements have been used to treat depression and enhance antidepressant medications.
The American Cancer Society stated that a person with low levels of folic acid may have a higher risk of colorectal cancer and some other types of cancer.
Alright, is your brain completely overwhelmed right now? Yeah mine too. Just keep in mind that it helps with heart health, depresson, prevention of birth defect and type 2 diabetes just to name a few.
The American Cancer Sbociety stated that a person with low levels of folic acid may have a higher risk of colorectal cancer and some other types of cancer. means it is going to add about 5 cents to my monthly total. :)
Make sure to check back tomorrow to find out about a probiotic called Yacon Root.

February 20, 2017

Shakeology Ingredient Spotlight....Ashwaghanda

My first stop with my virtual shopping of Shakeology ingredients is ASHWAGANDHA.  For anyone who has thyroid or adrenal issues Ashwagandha is an herb that you really want to know more about.  :)

Ashwagandha is the first super food that I wanted to explore from my list of Shakeology ingredients and is an adaptogenic herb.  Adaptogens are a unique class of healing plants which help balance, restore and protect the body.  

In India Ashwagandha is called the "strength of the stallion" because it is used to strengthen the immune system after someone has been ill.  It has also been known as Indian ginseng because it helps enhance stamina and has some incredible stress relieving properties.

Take a close look at some of the health benefits listed below.  You will be absolutely amazed at what this little herb can do.  There have been over 200 studies done on this herb's ability to:
~Improve thyroid function (something extremely important to me)
~Treat adrenal fatigue
~Combat the effects of stress
~Increase endurance and stamina
~Prevent and treat cancer
~Reduce brain cell degeneration
~Stabilize blood sugar
~Lower cholesterol
~Boost immunity

Little is known on why adaptogens work so well with balancing hormones.  Ashwagandha is a rock start with improving thyroid function.  For those of you who don't know I have hypothyroidism so learning about Ashwagandha had me all kinds of excited :)  The reason why I say it is a rock star is because it doesn't matter if you have hypo or hyper, this herb has been proven to help with both.  

I actually found a 20 day study on mice, where the T3 and T4 levels were analyzed and the results showed a significant increase in T4 which shows this herb has a stimulatory effect on a sluggish thyroid.  This is exciting news and just shows me one more great reason why I am going to continue to drink my shakeology.

It also greatly reduces lipid peroxidation, the electrons from the lipids in cell membranes is stolen resulting in cell damage. Which is more proof that is helps to treat hypothyroidism.

There are millions of people who are struggling with thyroid problems, the sad fact is some don't even know it.  The think that the symptoms they are experiencing are from something else. Check out this list and you will see what I mean.

Symptoms of hypothyroidism:
~Changes in menstruation - I admit my cycle was NEVER normal, so I honestly didn't think anything of this one.
~Constipation - Another one I would never have thought of.  I mean I never ate very healthy and I never drank water, so I figured that was why I was always constipated.
~Depression - With the life I had as a child and putting my biological father in jail when I was 16,  seriously depression from my underactive thyroid never even crossed my mind
~ Dry hair and hair loss - I posted last week about clumps of hair coming out during my shower, nuff said.  and gross! 
~Dry skin- always have
~Fatigue - I know some of this is blamed on my poor sleeping habits so another one that was a hidden symptom for me
~Greater sensitivity to cold - Ok so I thought I was just weird with this one.  I mean I am ALWAYS COLD!  Even in the summer time I would turn my seat heater on and drive with a lap blanket.
~Slow heart rate - yep my heart rate is about 60 beats per minute
~Swelling of the thyroid gland (goiter)  This may be just about the only symptom that I don't have
~Unexplained weight gain or difficulty losing weight - Losing weight for me is the ultimate struggle.  There is NOTHING more frustrating then eating exactly what you should AND working out 6 days a week and actually GAINING weight.  Very hard to wrap my head around.
~Carpal Tunnel Syndrom - Ok, I admit until tonight I had NEVER heard about this symptom.  Did I mention that I had Carpal Tunnel and Cubital Tunnel surgery on December 20th?  Yep on my right arm.  And guess what?  My left wrist and elbow are patiently waiting for their turn.

Wow!  I have EVERY symptom BUT one!  AND this was SO NOT supposed to be a hypothyroidism post. lol

Ashwagandha is a super star in my book.  Thank you to the creators of Shakeology for making sure this little beauty was added into my daily dose of dense nutrition, AKA my chocolate shake.  <3

So now that I have shown you the benefits of ashwagandha lets check out the price of this little beaut!

A month's supply on Amazon costs....about $10.00 per month.  Not too bad right?  But just remember that Shakeology has 70 super foods in it. :)  Make sure to visit again to see what ingredient I add next to my virtual shopping trip.

Sending strength, hope and love.

Can I Get Shakeology Cheaper?

The other day I was talking to my husband about some snow blowers that he was looking at buying. It seemed weird to be talking about a snow blower AFTER the blizzard, I mean you would think we would have bought one at the beginning of winter.

Anyhow we were discussing the different brands, types etc and how much each cost.  My husband said that he could buy one from a local store for half the cost BUT then he said you get what you pay for.

That struck me, because it's true with all of things right?  I made a comment the other day that I have been drinking Shakeology for almost 3 years.  Yep.  I know what some of you are doing right now.  YOU are figuring out how much Shakeology costs every month then multiplying that and thinking what were you thinking!  

How do I know this is what you are doing?  Well, three people did this to me last week.  So I figure if three people who are close to me are wondering, well then there must be others out there too.

You get what you pay for.

Yes I could go to a department store and get a protein shake for a fraction of the cost.  But you get what you pay for.

Shakeology is much more than just a protein shake.  It's a meal replacement with 70 super foods.  Maybe you don't understand exactly what that means.  I admit that I don't know everything about Shakeology BUT I am learning more every day!  <3

One thing that I have learned is that I definitely don't need more protein.  I get plenty of that every day. But I am nutrient deficient.  I mean have you looked at the back of a bag of food.  The recommended daily allowances are for a 2000 calorie diet.  Ummm...not even close here.  So when I am cutting the calories almost in half, not quite but almost, what am I doing to the amount of nutrients I am taking in each day.  

I drink Shakeology because I know how it makes me feel.  I know how much energy I have with it.  I know that it helps curb my cravings.  I know that it is making my nails stronger and my hair grow faster.  It helps with my thyroid and my moods.  But I am drinking it mostly because I know that it has 70 superfoods that I couldn't afford to get each month.

So I have decided to look further into the superfoods in a bag of Shakeology.  I am inviting you to take a virtual shopping trip with me.  Buckle up it's gonna be a fun one.  Here is the plan:

1- I am going to research EVERY super food in a bag of Shakeology and explain to you just why YOU and I should be excited about it.


2- I am going to create a virtual shopping cart.  EVERY superfood that I research is going to go into this shopping cart.  Then when I am finished we will see if it is possible to buy them for less than a bag of Shakeology.  I was told this was possible so now I want to know if that is true.

I even have home work for you.  Ha ha!  :)

Once I research EACH ingredient, I want you to look at the shake you are drinking and see if that ingredient is listed on your bag too.  That's it!  

What I am NOT going to do is tell you that you HAVE to buy Shakeology from me.  I am NOT going to defend the reasons why I love it.   BUT  I AM going to let the ingredients speak for themselves!  :)

The question is....if I can be honest about this can you?  Let's see!

Sending strength, hope and love...Darlene

She believed she could so she did! <3

February 12, 2017

Tips to Prepare for a Lifestyle Change with Fitness

The great thing about deciding to make a lifestyle change with fitness is that you can start NOW, regardless of where you may be in life. Here are some tips to not only help you ring in the New Year with fitness, but can benefit you all year long.

 The most important thing you can do is to decide to make a change and commit to your decision. So many people say they want to make a change but when it comes down to it, there is very little action. Make the decision as to which fitness program best suits your personal goals and stick with that program to maximize your results.

Becoming a healthier version of yourself is not going to happen overnight. Remaining positive when it comes to the way you view your progress and your overall outlook is really going to set you up for success. When you think positively and really believe that you are on your way to a healthier lifestyle, your body will begin to respond to those thoughts. You will achieve your goal. 

Plan out your meals for the week and stock your fridge with healthy foods. Life and nutrition is all about balance. If you are going to allow yourself a cheat day, be sure not to get caught up feeling guilty. Remember, this is not a diet. This is a lifestyle change.

Remember you are on a journey. Each day, celebrate your small victories. Each time you say no to that slice of cake in your work cafeteria or decline going out to eat and choose to eat the packed lunch you brought instead, give yourself a nice pat on the back and remember that accomplished feeling. The rewards will come when you can suddenly fit into those pants you have had hanging in the closet for years or being able to run up stairs you never imagined doing before.

Try out new recipes and experiment with different types of foods. For your workouts, find something that you really enjoy doing. Grab a friend and explore the outdoor areas around you. Find a new hiking trail, a peaceful lake, or take your dog to the park and walk around. Trying new activities and keeping the change in lifestyle fresh can keep your mind engaged to staying fit. When you are having fun with an activity that does not feel like working out, you are more likely to stick with it.

And lastly, if you want to make a change in your life— whether it’s losing weight or eating healthy—you need to surround yourself with people who support you and with an environment that is going to help you achieve your goals. Maybe a fresh coat of bright paint in your workout room will help to motivate you or maybe that new workout video you have wanted to try. Write notes on your mirror in the morning of your daily goals and affirmations. Get a new workout outfit or a good pair of running shoes if that is what will keep you motivated. You will start to notice that making a healthy lifestyle change will not only have a positive impact on yourself but it will also have a positive impact on those around you, inspiring them to make a change as well.

Thank you so much for the support and your interest in this blog!  If you haven't already please make sure t check out Darlene Caron Fitness  where you can find more recipes, fitness tips, motivation and information on upcoming Health and Fitness Challenge groups that I offer.

February 11, 2017

Cruise Tip - How To Not Get Left Behind

One of my favorite things to do, besides spend time with my family is cruising. There is nothing like the excitement of knowing that for 3-5-7-9 days you will be pampered, entertained, thrilled and overwhelmed on your way to some incredible ports.

But there are some all important tips that you should keep in mind if this is the year that you are going to be treated like royalty. I figured after all of the cruises that I have been on that I would share some of my experiences.
I remember sitting in the dining room with a young woman and her son. They were cruising without her husband because he actually missed getting on board. YIKES!! I would be so depressed if that happened to me. With going on a cruise late is NEVER good! The captain has no issues with leaving you behind.
To make sure that doesn't happen plan to arrive early. I usually cruise out of Florida - Miami, Port Canaveral, Tampa are my ports of choice. I started with Carnival, went to Norwegian but now Royal Caribbean is my cruise line of choice. But that's a story for a different post. :)
When I am getting ready to cruise I make sure to book my flight two to three days before I am embarking on the ship. I know that sounds like a long time before the ship leaves but believe me it is important. I have been delayed before due to weather and was afraid I would miss my cruise, NEVER again will I have to worry about that. So I always plan on arriving that crucial 2-3 days before the cruise date. Just think...you have some extra time in your port city, time to live it up a little. <3
Ft Lauderdale has an amazing website with pre and post cruise activities. And there are quite a few hotel which have park sleep and cruise rates for leaving your vehicle behind.
When it comes to cruising it is better to be early than late. And plan on being patient once you arrive at the port. :)
Stay tuned for more next cruise tip saying bon voyage in style!

Thank you so much for the support and your interest in this blog!  If you haven't already please make sure t check out Darlene Caron Fitness  where you can find more recipes, fitness tips, motivation and information on upcoming Health and Fitness Challenge groups that I offer.