January 30, 2016

Busy Momma Crock Pot and Fitness Challenge

Up at 6, workout, work an 8 hour day, then home to try to figure out what to have for dinner...does that sound about right?  It's easier now that my son can drive himself back and forth to wrestling practices and school but before he had his license I had to add mom's taxi into the mix. :)

This is a typical day for most mom's that I know, and don't forget the ALL day wrestling tournaments on Saturdays, plus grocery shopping and any other errands you may have.

It's hard to find the time for a 30 minute workout no less figuring out what to make for your family for dinner and then make sure it is NOT only quick but healthy! Yup I deal with this every day!  Do you?

Now, I want you to dust off your crock pot.  You know the one I mean...you got it years ago for a gift, thought wow, what a fantastic appliance and then stored it in your pantry.  Well...did you dust it off?

I want to invite you to join me for a 5 day FREE group called Busy Momma Crock Pot and Fitness.  This group starts February 5th.  AND NO you don't HAVE to be a momma!

In this group I will share some great healthy recipes for you to try...share a mini workout to help with your muffin top ;) AND give you some support and accountability.  How does that sound?

Post I'm In! below if you would like to join.

And as always, please like, comment and share to keep the love going!  <3

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