February 28, 2015

Beach Body ~ No Longer a Failure

I am going to make this post short and sweet.  I wanted to share how far I have come since I started Beach Body in June.  I have had some amazing results and I am so proud of my self. Pat, pat!

They say that a pictures says a thousand words and I think mine certainly does too.  I use to think it was all about how much weight you lose but I have realized that there is more to lose than that, for example, inches.

There is one thing that I have lost that I can't measure though and it is just as important or even more so.  I have lost my negative attitude.  I am so happy and it shows.  I can usually be seen with a smile on my face and a bounce in my step.  I love sharing my results and success with others because I want to be able to help them too.

I want to be able to show other women that there is hope.  They can be successful.  
The last thing that I lost was my failure.  I know that sounds weird when I am talking about weight loss but it is so true.

My entire life I have felt like a failure.  I was in complete self destruct mode.  I believed that I did not deserve happiness because of my past.  I believed I deserved to be miserable, and I was.

Now, things are different, I have finally found my worth.  We all have it, it just takes some of us longer to find it!

Do you want help finding your worth?  Making a change?  Learning how to love yourself?  Do you want to know more about my story, my "why" that keeps me going, keeps me motivated?

Then message me or comment below.  I am more than happy to share and I would love to talk with you.

Look me up, you may just be totally surprised at what we can do together.


~ Darlene
I believed I could, so I did!

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