February 1, 2015

Reach for the Stars

Hi everyone.
So today I wanted to chat about opportunities.  I have been working at a dead end job for almost two years.  Snow is almost here and I am just not sure if I am up to driving in snow storms every day to get to work.

I became a Beach Body coach on August 2nd.  I can not even begin to tell you how this has changed my life.  I am more positive now, the negative Nancy that I have always been is slowly disappearing.  I am reaching goals, fitness, nutritional and financial.

One of the best parts about being a coach is that I get to help others reach their goals too.  All while I am reaching for mine.  It is amazing to see the responses from the women who are in my challenge groups when they realize that whatever program they are using is really going to work.

I love it when I read that they have lost a lot of weight in a short time period, but they are worried that it is too much too soon.  Everyone loses differently because everyone has a different amount to lose.

So if I asked you the following questions, how would you answer?

~ Do you want to be a part of something amazing?
~ Do you like to help other people?
~ Do you want to get paid to help others while you are helping yourself?
~ Do you like to travel?
~ Do you like the idea of working at home?
~ Do you want to get a discount on Beach Body programs?
~ Do you want to start dreaming big and making those dreams come true?

If so, fill out this application to become a part of something amazing!
Yes, I want to reach for the stars!

~ Darlene

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