August 13, 2015

5 Day Shakeology Shake and Share Group

Hey everyone. I feel like I have let some of you down by not sharing one of my favorite meals of the day with you...Shakeology. Now, I know a lot of you are afraid to try it because you think that it is just another protein shake, the market is flooded with them right? It is so much more than that.
Shakeology is my healthiest meal of the day! It is filled with some amazing super foods that have not only helped me to feel full, grow my hair and nails quicker, helped with my digestion and skin, just to name a few!
I know, I know. I can hear you now complaining about how much it costs. But I want you to ask yourself if you were going to go to a restaurant, even Subway and get a healthy lunch how much would it cost you? Can you get it for $4? I don't think so! There is so much more to Shakeology and I would love to share some of that with you. smile emoticon
I am starting a 5 Day Shake and Share Group on August 24th and would love for you to join me. This is the best way for you to try Shakeology and start seeing some quick benefits (increased energy, reduced cravings, stay full longer between meals, weight loss and more) to see if Shakeology is right for you.
The Shakeology sampler comes with 5 days of Shakeology for $25 and is a requirement to be in this group. The tips and clean eating recipes in this group are free!
I have a limited supply of Chocolate, Vanilla and Strawberry, so message me today or comment below to reserve your spot!
Please pay it forward and share this with your friends, family or anyone else that you believe would be interested.
If ou have any questions or would like to talk over some options you can find me at: DarLean Fitness
Make the rest of your life the BEST of you life!

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