June 30, 2015

Binge Eating and the Ultimate Reset

As far back as I can remember I have had a horrible problem with binge eating.  Whenever I get upset, tired, stressed, really any kind of strong emotion, I will sit on my couch or wherever and mindlessly eat.  I know that what I am doing isn't helping me but I do it anyhow. The more I eat the more depressed I get, and the more depressed I get the more I eat.  It's a vicious cycle!  :(

At the end of May, I went hiking with my son and his girlfriend to beautiful Borestone Mountain.  It was a great hike, but half of the time I struggled for air.  Just going a few steps and my asthma started kicking in.  I couldn't believe how out of control it was, but I finished that hike.

I think my breaking point was two days later.  I was doing laundry and walked from one end of my house to the other with a laundry basket.  I couldn't breathe.  I knew then that something had to give!

I  had the Ultimate Reset but I had been afraid to start it.  It is a 21 day program to help with your eating and cleanse the toxins out of your system.  My mind kept screaming at me....it is 21 DAYS!!!  21 DAYS!!I can't do that! But as my breathing continued to get worse I knew that I had to.

I started on June 8th.  Week one was horrible for me.  I had some really painful headaches from lack of caffeine.  I was a big coffee and tea drinker so to go without them was not a pleasant experience.  Then towards the 5th day I started to get flu like symptoms.  UGH! At first, I thought that I was actually getting sick and maybe I shouldn't continue on with the program.  But after I carefully researched, I found that the symptoms were actually caused from the toxins being released from my cells.  I was getting healthier but I felt horrible.  I would wake up at 3 or 4 in the morning in extreme pain.  My body ached so bad.  But after a few days it eased up and then it eventually went away.

The one thing that I had feared with the Ultimate Reset is that I would be hungry or that I would have to eat food that I didn't like.  Neither of those statements are true.  I had so much to eat that sometimes I had to set a timer to remind myself that it was time to go eat yet again.  As for food that I disliked, I had so many choices of alternate meals, that I never really ran in to any big problems with this. I learned that I love jicama and avocado, but I am not a big fan of kale or edamame.  Two of my favorite recipes are Oatmeal Tropical and Sweet Potato and Roasted Red Pepper Bisque. Yum!  The meal plan and recipes are pretty simple, which is great for this mom.  I really don't have a lot of time to try to figure out anything too complicated.

Week two went pretty smooth.  I kept following the daily meal plans, substituting when necessary.  I did a lot of walking and kept drinking all of the water I was suppose to each day.  By the end of the week, I got adventurous with my son and decided to hike Beehive Mountain in Acadia National Park.  Wow, what a hike!  It was a complete 360 turn around from my last hike.  I had some breathless moments but it wasn't from asthma problems, it was from the beautiful view!  :)  If there were any issues on this hike it was from my fear of heights.  I wish the Ultimate Reset could help me with that too!  lol  I pressed on, reached the summit and had my alkalinize.  It was the most amazing feeling reaching that summit!  I had conquered that mountain and had gained some confidence in the process!  I would not have been able to hike this more strenuous mountain before I had started the Ultimate Reset.  Another milestone for me!

Week three went fantastic.  I kept posting photo collages of my meals onto my facebook page for accountability.  I had some people show interest and ask questions.  It was a great feeling to be inspiring others. :)  I am amazed that during the three weeks I didn't have any cravings.  My son and husband ate whatever they wanted, food that I normally would have chowed down, and I would just sit there and eat my stir fry or whatever. What an amazing feeling to be in control of what I put in my mouth instead of it controlling me.  

Yesterday, I finished the Ultimate Reset! YAY ME!  I gained a lot more from this program than weight loss.  I gained confidence, clarity, freedom from pain, freedom from cravings, freedom from binge eating, no more headaches, no more addiction to coffee or chocolate or any other junk food.  I sleep better, I have more energy, and I am more alert. 


Oh yeah, I did lose weight too...15 lbs and 13.2 inches! I am not belittling that by any means.  I have gone 21 days of 100% clean eating and I have never been able to do that at any other point in my life.  I have grown so much during the last three weeks.  I have a whole new outlook on my life as a wife, mother AND a coach.  I am ready to take on the world.

If you would like to talk about binge eating, the ultimate reset or how you can start your own journey, look for me on facebook or leave a message here. :)  I can't wait to hear from you!
Darlene <3

June 22, 2015

Beach Body"s Ultimate Reset Week 2: Release Review

Wow, I can't even begin to explain how I am feeling today.  I have completed two weeks of the Ultimate Reset, TWO!  100% Clean!  I have never done anything like this before and it has been so easy.

I have tried to do a 3 Day cleanse before and I always struggled with it.  I felt hungry or weak.  Not this time.  This time I feel energized all of the time.  I feel so motivated to keep going.  I am not having any headaches, muscle aches, fatigure or bloating.

My mood has been so nice, and I can actually concentrate on whatever I am doing instead of being so scatter brained.

In week 2 I started taking Detox, along with Optimize, Alkalinize, Mineralize and Soothe.  It is very sweet tasting to me.  So I can drink that no problem.  I still have a little bit of a problem drinking alkalinize.  But it isn't as bad as before.

This is the Alkalinize.
This week I ate a lot of fruit, veggies and quinoa.  I have found that I am not a big fan of edamame or kale.  I have tried them two or three times and I think I will pass on them, but there are so many other choices that I won't even miss them.

Day 8 - Breakfast - fresh fruit, Lunch - Quinoa Salad Dinner- Pinto Beans and Rice and Veggies, Snack - Tropical Strawberry Shakeology

Day 9 - Breakfast- fresh fruit, Lunch - Pinto Beans and Rice with Microgreen Salad and Pumpkin Seeds, Dinner Sweet Potato and Roasted Red Pepper Bisque with Roasted Asparagus with Slivered Almonds, Snack - apple and almonds

Day 10- Breakfast-fresh fruit, Lunch - Sweet Potato and Red Pepper Bisque with Asparagus and Slivered Almonds, Dinner - Quinoa Salad, Snack - Apple and Slivered Almonds

Day 11:  Breakfast - Chocolate Shakeology, Lunch - Quinoa Lentil Pilaf, Cucumber and Tomato Salad with avocado, Dinner - Garlic Veggies, Snack- Apple and Almonds

Day 12: Breakfast - Tropical Strawberry Shakeology, Lunch - Quinoa Lentil Pilaf, Dinner - Mediterranean Roasted Beets, Coconut Greens and Toasted Millet, Snack - Apple and almonds

Day 13:  Breakfast - Chocolate Shakeology, Lunch - Microgreen Salad with Pumpkin seeds, Dinner Acorn Squash with Garlic Filling and Zucchini, Snack - Apple and almonds

Day 14:  Breakfast - 3 cups fresh fruit, Lunch - Microgreen Salad, Coconut Squash Soup with Pumpkin Seeds, Dinner - Edamame and Roasted Corn Succotash with Lemon Pepper Kale, Snack - Apple and Almonds

As you can plainly see, I had enough food each day. So, it is not like this is a starvation diet/cleanse.  I have so much food that at times I have a hard time eating it all.

Most of the food I have truly enjoyed eating.  I wasn't a big fan of the Edamame and Roasted Corn Succotash or the Lemon Pepper Kale.  But that doesn't mean someone else might think they are absolutely delicious.

I am starting Week 3 now.  It is called restore.  I am excited to see what this week brings.

If you have any questions or you would like to chat about the Ultimate Reset or anything else, post below or send me a message.

I look forward to hearing from you. :)

~Darlene <3

June 18, 2015

Weight Loss Is Possible with Mission SLIMpossible Health and Fitness Challenge Group

Hi, I'm Darlene. I'm a mother of three and have been married for 24 years.
I started learning about making myself a priority with clean eating, personal development and exercise about a year ago. I have worked though stress/emotional/binge eating AND I have learned the importance of pushing play every day to keep me heading in the right direction on my health and fitness journey.

In Mission SLIMpossible you will:
- Learn about clean eating and portion control
- Work out for 30 minutes daily
- Get new recipes and meal plans
- Receive support and motivation
- Have me as your coach
This group will help you reach your goals and have fun in the process!
To apply to join this challenge click the link below:
Friend and message me at www.facebook.com/darlene.caron
Having support is essential so invite a friend to join you in this 30 day adventure.
If your ready to start your journey, comment below or send me a message for more info. :)
                                                                      ~Darlene :)

Mind Over Matter Clean Eating Accountability Group - FREE!

Do you want to eat healthy but your not sure where to begin? Are you looking for help with recipes, need tips and motivation?

My new group Mind Over Matter starts on June 22nd. This group is a FREE group for anyone who signs up with me as their coach or with one of my team members.
I will provide NEW recipes, daily motivation, tips, grocery lists and meal plans. I will also be talking about the top 10 triggers for emotional and binge eating and how to over come them.
Space is limited in this group, so comment below, message me, like and share with your friends and loved ones today.
I can't wait to start this journey with you!
                                                                    ~Darlene <3

June 17, 2015

Oatmeal Tropical - My Favorite Ultimate Reset Breakfast Recipe

The first questions I asked myself when I considered starting the Ultimate Reset is....What the heck will I eat?  Am I going to be hungry?  Am I going to have to eat nasty food?  Some people will tell you that you have to eat seaweed and other stuff like that.  You don't have to, there are substitutions.

I have found some really great recipes during the first week of UR and they will be staying on my menu long after I am done.

This is my favorite breakfast recipe...Oatmeal Tropical.  
It makes 1 serving.

1 cup water
1 pinch Himalyan Salt
1/2 cup old fashioned rolled oats
1/2 medium mango, diced
1/4 medium papaya, unripe, diced
2 tsp unsweetened shredded coconut
1 Tbsp chopped raw walnuts

Bring the water and salt to a boil in a medium saucepan over medium heat.  Add the oats, cook, make sure to stir frequently, for 4 to 5 minutes.  Remove from heat.  Place oatmeal in a small bowl and top with mango, papaya, shredded coconut and walnuts.

Tada!  A fast, delicious and nutritious breakfast to start out your morning. No one said it had to be hard right?

Enjoy! :)
                                                                     ~Darlene <3

June 14, 2015

Beach Body"s Ultimate Reset Week 1: Reclaim Review

When I first decided to start the Ultimate Reset, I had a few fears…Would I be able to commit to a 21 day program and not give up? What would I eat?  I mean was I going to starve or have to eat really gross food.  Was I going to be hungry?

I have been doing this program for one week now and I can say the answer to those questions have been very positive.  Yes, I will be successful and complete this entire program and No, I don’t have to eat food that I really don’t want to and I am never hungry. There are always substitutions.

The great thing about this program is that it comes with a program guide book which is over 100 pages and it explains the program so well. It has so many recipes and they are delicious.

Now for the supplements.  The only supplement so far that I am not a big fan of is Alkanize.  It has alfalfa grass, barley grass, kamut grass and wheat grass in it.  It is a green powder which you mix with water and I just don’t like drinking it.  It’s not from the taste, I just don’t like it.  Maybe it is because it’s green, I don’t know. 

Week 1 of this program is the reclaim week.  I think that name fits it perfectly. I reclaimed myself, my power over what I eat.  I gained                                                       control and I loved it.

Over this week, I have tried some new foods like quinoa, but most of the food that I had was food that I was already eating.  I had scrambled eggs, spinach, chicken, Shakeology, sweet potatoes, stir fried veggies and much more.

Now for the downside.  Day 2 was horrible for me.  I had the worst headache from giving up coffee and tea. It finally went away on Day 3 and I haven’t missed  my coffee since.  Day 5 and 6 were hard too.  I started feeling nauseous and really achy on Day 5, it lasted through Day 6 but is now going away on Day 7.  At first I was worried that I was getting sick, but I have been told it is from the toxins being released from my body.  So YAY!! It works!

My measurements when I started on June 8th were:
Weight:  182.8
Body Fat:  39.7%
Waist:  38.2
Hips:  43
Chest:  42
Right Arm:  12.5
Left Arm:  12.5
Right Thigh:  22
Left Thigh:  22

And as of this morning I have lost almost 9 lbs and over 7 inches. But the best part is how I feel.  I don’t feel bloated anymore, or like my stomach is going to split because it hurts so much.  I have so much more energy and I feel much more alert. 

Today, I had my son and his girlfriend over for dinner.  We made barbecue pork, cole slaw, mac and cheese and corn on the cob for them. I had steamed veggies, cucumber and tomato salad.  
I was able to stay with my plan and I 
didn’t feel deprived.  

I did take a bit of her mac n cheese because she had gone to so much trouble to make it for us and I didn’t want to be rude.  But I was able to take that bite, say that was delicious and to go back to my steamed veggies.  My eating habits have definitely changed over this week.

As you can see from my photos, it's not like I didn't have plenty of delicious food to eat. :) 

Week 1 is now in the books and it is on to week 2:  Release.  I am ready for my new recipes and to see what this week will bring.

                                                             Because I'm Worth It <3