June 14, 2015

Beach Body"s Ultimate Reset Week 1: Reclaim Review

When I first decided to start the Ultimate Reset, I had a few fears…Would I be able to commit to a 21 day program and not give up? What would I eat?  I mean was I going to starve or have to eat really gross food.  Was I going to be hungry?

I have been doing this program for one week now and I can say the answer to those questions have been very positive.  Yes, I will be successful and complete this entire program and No, I don’t have to eat food that I really don’t want to and I am never hungry. There are always substitutions.

The great thing about this program is that it comes with a program guide book which is over 100 pages and it explains the program so well. It has so many recipes and they are delicious.

Now for the supplements.  The only supplement so far that I am not a big fan of is Alkanize.  It has alfalfa grass, barley grass, kamut grass and wheat grass in it.  It is a green powder which you mix with water and I just don’t like drinking it.  It’s not from the taste, I just don’t like it.  Maybe it is because it’s green, I don’t know. 

Week 1 of this program is the reclaim week.  I think that name fits it perfectly. I reclaimed myself, my power over what I eat.  I gained                                                       control and I loved it.

Over this week, I have tried some new foods like quinoa, but most of the food that I had was food that I was already eating.  I had scrambled eggs, spinach, chicken, Shakeology, sweet potatoes, stir fried veggies and much more.

Now for the downside.  Day 2 was horrible for me.  I had the worst headache from giving up coffee and tea. It finally went away on Day 3 and I haven’t missed  my coffee since.  Day 5 and 6 were hard too.  I started feeling nauseous and really achy on Day 5, it lasted through Day 6 but is now going away on Day 7.  At first I was worried that I was getting sick, but I have been told it is from the toxins being released from my body.  So YAY!! It works!

My measurements when I started on June 8th were:
Weight:  182.8
Body Fat:  39.7%
Waist:  38.2
Hips:  43
Chest:  42
Right Arm:  12.5
Left Arm:  12.5
Right Thigh:  22
Left Thigh:  22

And as of this morning I have lost almost 9 lbs and over 7 inches. But the best part is how I feel.  I don’t feel bloated anymore, or like my stomach is going to split because it hurts so much.  I have so much more energy and I feel much more alert. 

Today, I had my son and his girlfriend over for dinner.  We made barbecue pork, cole slaw, mac and cheese and corn on the cob for them. I had steamed veggies, cucumber and tomato salad.  
I was able to stay with my plan and I 
didn’t feel deprived.  

I did take a bit of her mac n cheese because she had gone to so much trouble to make it for us and I didn’t want to be rude.  But I was able to take that bite, say that was delicious and to go back to my steamed veggies.  My eating habits have definitely changed over this week.

As you can see from my photos, it's not like I didn't have plenty of delicious food to eat. :) 

Week 1 is now in the books and it is on to week 2:  Release.  I am ready for my new recipes and to see what this week will bring.

                                                             Because I'm Worth It <3

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