June 22, 2015

Beach Body"s Ultimate Reset Week 2: Release Review

Wow, I can't even begin to explain how I am feeling today.  I have completed two weeks of the Ultimate Reset, TWO!  100% Clean!  I have never done anything like this before and it has been so easy.

I have tried to do a 3 Day cleanse before and I always struggled with it.  I felt hungry or weak.  Not this time.  This time I feel energized all of the time.  I feel so motivated to keep going.  I am not having any headaches, muscle aches, fatigure or bloating.

My mood has been so nice, and I can actually concentrate on whatever I am doing instead of being so scatter brained.

In week 2 I started taking Detox, along with Optimize, Alkalinize, Mineralize and Soothe.  It is very sweet tasting to me.  So I can drink that no problem.  I still have a little bit of a problem drinking alkalinize.  But it isn't as bad as before.

This is the Alkalinize.
This week I ate a lot of fruit, veggies and quinoa.  I have found that I am not a big fan of edamame or kale.  I have tried them two or three times and I think I will pass on them, but there are so many other choices that I won't even miss them.

Day 8 - Breakfast - fresh fruit, Lunch - Quinoa Salad Dinner- Pinto Beans and Rice and Veggies, Snack - Tropical Strawberry Shakeology

Day 9 - Breakfast- fresh fruit, Lunch - Pinto Beans and Rice with Microgreen Salad and Pumpkin Seeds, Dinner Sweet Potato and Roasted Red Pepper Bisque with Roasted Asparagus with Slivered Almonds, Snack - apple and almonds

Day 10- Breakfast-fresh fruit, Lunch - Sweet Potato and Red Pepper Bisque with Asparagus and Slivered Almonds, Dinner - Quinoa Salad, Snack - Apple and Slivered Almonds

Day 11:  Breakfast - Chocolate Shakeology, Lunch - Quinoa Lentil Pilaf, Cucumber and Tomato Salad with avocado, Dinner - Garlic Veggies, Snack- Apple and Almonds

Day 12: Breakfast - Tropical Strawberry Shakeology, Lunch - Quinoa Lentil Pilaf, Dinner - Mediterranean Roasted Beets, Coconut Greens and Toasted Millet, Snack - Apple and almonds

Day 13:  Breakfast - Chocolate Shakeology, Lunch - Microgreen Salad with Pumpkin seeds, Dinner Acorn Squash with Garlic Filling and Zucchini, Snack - Apple and almonds

Day 14:  Breakfast - 3 cups fresh fruit, Lunch - Microgreen Salad, Coconut Squash Soup with Pumpkin Seeds, Dinner - Edamame and Roasted Corn Succotash with Lemon Pepper Kale, Snack - Apple and Almonds

As you can plainly see, I had enough food each day. So, it is not like this is a starvation diet/cleanse.  I have so much food that at times I have a hard time eating it all.

Most of the food I have truly enjoyed eating.  I wasn't a big fan of the Edamame and Roasted Corn Succotash or the Lemon Pepper Kale.  But that doesn't mean someone else might think they are absolutely delicious.

I am starting Week 3 now.  It is called restore.  I am excited to see what this week brings.

If you have any questions or you would like to chat about the Ultimate Reset or anything else, post below or send me a message.

I look forward to hearing from you. :)

~Darlene <3

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