January 24, 2016

**21 Day Fix Approved** Chia Pudding Parfait

Last night I decided to finally take the chia seeds out of the cupboard and try a recipe that I had found on the team beachbody website.  Chia Pudding Parfait.  I wasn't sure if I was going to like this one.  But I figured if I didn't I would chalk it up as a lesson learned and never buy chia seeds again. Every time I think of chia seeds, I remember the Ch ch ch chia commercial.  lol

Let me know what you think of it and if you have any other chia recipes.  I would definitely like to try some more. :)

This recipe was easy to make and very yummy!

Chia Pudding Parfait
The recipe calls for either Kumquats or oranges but I decided to use mango instead. :)

Yield: 4 servings, ½ cup each

2 cups unsweetened almond milk
2 tsp. raw honey
½ cup chia seeds
½ cup low-fat granola
20 kumquats, thinly sliced (or orange sections) (reserve some for garnish) ( I used Mango instead. )  Or you could use any kind of fruit that you wanted to use.  My niece thought it would taste good with sliced bananas.)

1. Combine almond milk, honey, and chia seeds in a medium bowl; mix well.

2. Cover bowl; refrigerate for at least 4 hours or overnight, mixing after 2 hours.
3. Before serving, layer chia seed mixture with granola and kumquats in parfait glasses.

If you are following the 21 Day Fix containers it is:
1 1/2 yellow 1/2 orange 1/2 purple

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