January 18, 2016

Transform Yourself with Hammer and Chisel...Week 2 Progress

Beginning of week 3...the scale went up 2.4 lbs which could have been very depressing with all of the hard work I have been doing.  I did let a few thing creep back into my eating, so I need to take those out again.  I ate about 90% clean all week. 

This is why I stress the importance of not going by what the scale says and taking your measurements.  If I went just by the scale, I would end up getting upset about the weight gain and probably go eat my emotions.  But because I took measurements I can see why the scale went up,  but look at the rest it ALL went down.  

This week...
I lost 3% of my body fat!
I lost 4.60 lbs of fat!
I gained 7 lbs of muscle!
I lost 5.5 inches!

Total results since I started on January 4th...
I lost 6% of my body fat! 
The scale says ...
I lost 5.6 lbs.
Measurements say...
I lost 12.79 lbs of fat!
I gained 7.19 lbs of muscle!
I lost 16 inches!

So ladies (and gents) don't let that scale define your success! 

Message me or follow me on facebook to start your own health and fitness journey.  I run private online health and wellness accountability groups and we would love to have you. :)

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