January 19, 2016

Are You Getting Enough Water? Time to Make a Water Bomb

The one thing that I struggle with is drinking all of the water that I should each day.  Oh my goodness.  It seems like if I'm not drinking than I am in the bathroom.  This gets really hard with working a full time job.  My boss wouldn't really like it if I was asking for a restroom break every 30 minutes. lol

So, how do I make sure to drink all of my water each day? Well, let's start with how much water I should be drinking.  It is recommended to drink 1/2 of your body weight in ounces each day.  For me that would be 178 divided by 2 = 89,  That is at least 89 ounces of water!  Yup a lot!

The water in your tea or coffee doesn't count either!  I needed a way to keep track of my water every day so I decided to create a water bomb.  Ok now before you ask what in the world is that?, let me explain.

If you carry a water bomb around with you wherever you go, then you never have to worry about not having water with you.  It gives you a rough estimate about how much and how often you should be drinking.  One gallon is 128 ounces!  So if your drinking a water bomb each day, then you have your water intake pretty much covered.

The benefits to your skin, your mood, not getting dehydrated and getting headaches and the help with weight loss makes this idea  one that I decided I definitely needed to do!

So let's get your water bomb on.  Hydrate yourself each day.  To make the jug just take a tape measure and remember that every inch equals 2 hours!
Got it?  Great, now let's get your Hydrate on!  :)

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