January 30, 2016

Does Working Out Damage My Hair?

Let's face it, working out on a regular basis is great for your health and definitely helps tone your body, but what does it do to your hair?  It's not that working out actually hurts your hair, but the habits that you do because of it may not be the best for your beautiful locks.

You may think that after you workout you need to shampoo the sweat out of your hair. I always have, sometimes to the point of taking two showers a day! But shampooing daily can actually strip your hair of it's natural oils, leaving it a dry, hot mess.  Ugh!  Instead of shampooing after each workout, shampoo every two to three days.  If you really can't wait then grab a bottle of dry shampoo.  This will help absorb the sweat and any odor plus give your hair some nice texture.

Shampooing is not the only thing that may be drying out your hair.  If you workout outside, then your hair is coming in contact with the element which can also dehydrate your hair.  Spend a little extra time in the shower to use  good moisturizing conditioner after you shampoo.  On the days when you use dry shampoo, use a little oil on the ends of your strands to lock in the moisture and to help keep your hair shiny and smooth.

Did you know that the length of your hair is important if you lead an active lifestyle?  If your hair is too long, then your ends act like a sponge and soak up the pollution in the air.  Yuck.  The result can be frizzy or stringy ends.  Not the sexiest look out there. Right?  For really active women, the recommended length is right about your collar.  This is a flattering look for most and it keeps your ends looking neat.  Just a thought.  I may think about cutting my hair soon.

When I workout, I usually try to pull my hair back in a tight pony tail.  I hate it when my hair keeps falling in my face. BUT...I have recently found out that tight ponytails can cause my hair to break and can even pull out my hair at the roots, this makes it look like you have a receding hairline!  Oh my!!  To prevent this just keep your pony's loose or maybe go for a loo
se braid  or even a messy bun.

I actually found out this information when I was researching about dying my hair after I work out.  I wasn't sure if I should because of the sweat in my hair.  I was afraid that it would affect the dye some how and it wouldn't come out right.  To my surprise I found that it is better for me not to wash my hair as often as I do, which is daily, time to make a change I guess.  I also found that I need to loosen my hair when working out and possibly get my haircut.

All in all it has been quite a learning experience for me today.  BUT...I did get my hair dyed and I am loving the new color, now I wonder if I would love a new do as well.  Who knows.

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