August 20, 2015

Chocolate Strawberry Cheesecake Shakeology

Today I woke up with cheesecake on the brain. Oh no! I am the biggest addict of ALL things cheesecake! So, I knew that today was going to be a struggle.
My favorite? I don't have one, if it has chocolate it's good, strawberries it's good, caramel yup, you guessed it...IT'S GOOD!
So I wracked my brain trying to come up with some way that I could have the best of both hit me when I logged in to teambeachbody.
They had a link for Chocolate Raspberry Cheesecake Shakeology! REALLY????
Now, I didn't have the raspberries, but I had strawberries. Yup...I made some delicious chocolate strawberry cheesecake shakeology. 
smile emoticon

Chocolate Strawberry Shakeology
1/2 purple, 1/2 yellow, 2 Red

½ cup low-fat (1%) milk
¼ cup water
¼ cup reduced fat (2%) plain yogurt
1 scoop Chocolate Shakeology
¼ cup part skim ricotta cheese
½ cup fresh or frozen raspberries
1 cup ice

1. Place milk, water, yogurt, Shakeology, ricotta, raspberries, and ice in blender; cover. Blend until smooth.

Are you looking for more the link below! Enjoy! 

Have you thought of trying shakeology but you weren't sure which flavor you would like?  Are you curious about how I can help you with your health and fitness journey?  
Comment below or find me on facebook at : DarLean Fitness
Also look for me on:

Make the REST of your life the BEST of your life! <3

August 19, 2015

Creamy Chicken Salad - Fixate Style

Are you looking for a fantastic supper idea that is quick, super easy and doesn't require much cooking on this hot summer day?

Check this out.  I had this today for my lunch and it was so good I just may have it for supper too!

This is from Autumn Calabrese's Fixate Cookbook.

Creamy Chicken Salad Wrap
1 1/2 Green, 1 1/2 yellow, 1/2 purple, 1 red, 1/2 blue and 1/2 orange

3 cups chopped rotisserie chicken breast (boneless / skinless)
1/2 cup chopped green apple
1/2 cup seedless red grapes, cut in half
1/2 cup raw almonds
2 green onions, sliced
2 Tbsp chopped fresh tarragon
1/4 cup Honey Mustard Dressing (see below)
8 cups shredded romaine lettuce
 I used mine to make a wrap by using
1 8 inch sprouted whole grain tortilla and not serving it on a bed of lettuce. :)

Combine chicken, apple, grapes, almonds, green onions, tarragon, and Honey Mustard Salad Dressing in a large bowl.  Mix well and then refrigerate (covered) for 2 hours.
Fold 1 1/4 cup Creamy Chicken Salad in the sides of the tortilla and roll the wrap burrito-style.

Honey Mustard Dressing:
** Serves 8 with 2 Tbsp per serving
** 1 Orange Container
1/2 cup reduced fat plain Greek yogurt
3 Tbsp Dijon mustard, gluten-free
3 Tbsp raw honey
3 Tbsp rice vinegar
1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil
Sea Salt to taste (optional)

Directions: Combine yogurt, mustard, honey, and vinegar in a medium bowl and mix well. Slowly add the oil, whisking constantly until well blended.

Delicious! :)

If you would like to find out more about the delicious recipes in Fixate, join a fitness or clean eating challenge group or even would like to know what being a beachbody coach is all about you can either leave a comment below, send me a message or find me at :  DarLean Fitness

Make the REST of your life the BEST of your life!

August 13, 2015

5 Day Shakeology Shake and Share Group

Hey everyone. I feel like I have let some of you down by not sharing one of my favorite meals of the day with you...Shakeology. Now, I know a lot of you are afraid to try it because you think that it is just another protein shake, the market is flooded with them right? It is so much more than that.
Shakeology is my healthiest meal of the day! It is filled with some amazing super foods that have not only helped me to feel full, grow my hair and nails quicker, helped with my digestion and skin, just to name a few!
I know, I know. I can hear you now complaining about how much it costs. But I want you to ask yourself if you were going to go to a restaurant, even Subway and get a healthy lunch how much would it cost you? Can you get it for $4? I don't think so! There is so much more to Shakeology and I would love to share some of that with you. smile emoticon
I am starting a 5 Day Shake and Share Group on August 24th and would love for you to join me. This is the best way for you to try Shakeology and start seeing some quick benefits (increased energy, reduced cravings, stay full longer between meals, weight loss and more) to see if Shakeology is right for you.
The Shakeology sampler comes with 5 days of Shakeology for $25 and is a requirement to be in this group. The tips and clean eating recipes in this group are free!
I have a limited supply of Chocolate, Vanilla and Strawberry, so message me today or comment below to reserve your spot!
Please pay it forward and share this with your friends, family or anyone else that you believe would be interested.
If ou have any questions or would like to talk over some options you can find me at: DarLean Fitness
Make the rest of your life the BEST of you life!

August 12, 2015

With Faith ALL things are possible!

This week I have been learning to trust a lot more. We have been hit pretty hard here and I have been trying to make some huge decisions.
For a while I thought that I was all alone and it was miserable. I felt like there was no one I could turn to, just to talk, to vent a little, to push past some hurt and feelings of being left behind.
Then one of the best people in the world, gave me a stern talking to, after telling me she pretty much understood what I was going through.
So, with that said, know that I am human. I make mistakes sometimes, I make the wrong decisions sometimes, I feel left out sometimes.
But please know that even through my emotional, stressed out and sleep deprived days..I love being me.
I love my life. I love the women that allow me to share their journeys. I love being a coach!
I have given my business and life to God to do what He wants with it. I am proud of this decision. I have faith in this and I believe that ALL things are possible. heart emoticon
Do you need hope? Are you looking for someone who can help? Reach out to me. Let's talk!
Comment below or message me today. You can also find me at :DarLean Fitness

Make the REST of your life the BEST of your life! <3

August 11, 2015

Living My Dreams as a Beachbody Coach with My Daughter

My life has revolved around my three children and husband for the last 22 years. They have been my world and they still are!
Now I am learning that I have to make time for me too. I have to work on me...physically and emotionally. I have to have time to relax, enjoy living and love me too.
This may sound selfish to some but how am I suppose to take care of my loved ones if I don't take care of me first?
After all, when you are on a plane what do they tell you to do first? Put on your oxygen mask and then help the person beside you.
So I am inviting you to put on your oxygen mask first... To put you first so that you can then take care of the most important people in your life next. They will thank you for it!
Makes sense to me...what about you?
I would like to invite you to a zero obligation 3 Day Sneak Peek into what being a coach is all about and what it looks like when you are living your dreams.  Comment below or find me on facebook at: Darlene Caron Nutrition and Fitness

Make the REST of your life the BEST of your life!

S'mores Shakeology Recipe! Dessert for Breakfast

Dessert for breakfast? Count me in! heart emoticon There’s a coffee version and a caffeine-free version! Thank you Beachbody! smile emoticon

S’mores Shakeology (with coffee)
1/2 yellow and 1 red container

½ cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk
½ cup brewed coffee, chilled
1 tsp. pure vanilla extract
1 scoop Chocolate Shakeology
2 tsp. ground whole wheat graham cracker crumbs, divided use
1 cup ice

1. Place almond milk, coffee, extract, Shakeology, 1 tsp. graham cracker crumbs, and ice in blender; cover. Blend until smooth.
2. Pour into a serving glass and garnish with remaining 1 tsp. graham cracker crumbs; serve immediately.


S’mores Shakeology (without coffee)
1 yellow and 1 red container

1 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk
1 tsp. pure vanilla extract
1 scoop Chocolate Shakeology
2 tsp. ground whole wheat graham cracker crumbs, divided use
1 cup ice

1. Place almond milk, extract, Shakeology, 1 tsp. graham cracker crumbs, and ice in blender; cover. Blend until smooth.
2. Pour into a serving glass and garnish with remaining 1 tsp. graham cracker crumbs; serve immediately.

Want more recipes?  Would you like to know more about Shakeology or how you can get it delivered to your home?  Comment below or find me on facebook at: Darlene Caron Nutrition and Fitness

Make the REST of your life, the BEST of your life! <3

August 10, 2015

You Need to Eat Healthier...but How?

Hey everyone. I remember the day that I went to the doctors office and stepped on that hateful scale.  Definitely not bestie material. frown emoticon
Anyhow, I asked the nurse what I weighed and she said 240...I just looked at her in stunned disbelief. I did not step on the scale for a long time after that.
I started exercising and eating Lean Cuisines, it had the name Lean in it so I thought it was healthy. Or Healthy Choice even. When I went back I still had not lost any weight, in fact I had gained again!
My doctor told me that I had to lose weight, and to change up what I was eating.
CHANGE UP WHAT I AM EATING? HOW? If I knew what to eat, don't you think I would do that?
I knew what to do to work out. Or at the time I thought I did. I got on my stationary bike and started bike 5 miles a day, then 10, then 15 and then 20. But, I still wasn't sure what to eat.
One web site said carbs was good one said they were bad. I needed more protein or was I eating not enough. And somebody please tell me what the heck a macro nutrient is!
One month after joining my first challenge group, I started a clean eating group. At first, I was very skeptical, I didn't want to change everything all at once...I knew it was just setting me up for failure. So, I changed a little here and a little there.
Guess what? Clean eating really does work!
I have done quite a few clean eating groups since then. I have done the 3 Day Refresh and the Ultimate Reset, both of those programs just helped me learn even more about eating healthy! :)
If you would like to know more about clean eating or when my next group starts, please comment below or find me at:  DarLean Fitness
Make the REST of your life the BEST of your life!