August 10, 2015

You Need to Eat Healthier...but How?

Hey everyone. I remember the day that I went to the doctors office and stepped on that hateful scale.  Definitely not bestie material. frown emoticon
Anyhow, I asked the nurse what I weighed and she said 240...I just looked at her in stunned disbelief. I did not step on the scale for a long time after that.
I started exercising and eating Lean Cuisines, it had the name Lean in it so I thought it was healthy. Or Healthy Choice even. When I went back I still had not lost any weight, in fact I had gained again!
My doctor told me that I had to lose weight, and to change up what I was eating.
CHANGE UP WHAT I AM EATING? HOW? If I knew what to eat, don't you think I would do that?
I knew what to do to work out. Or at the time I thought I did. I got on my stationary bike and started bike 5 miles a day, then 10, then 15 and then 20. But, I still wasn't sure what to eat.
One web site said carbs was good one said they were bad. I needed more protein or was I eating not enough. And somebody please tell me what the heck a macro nutrient is!
One month after joining my first challenge group, I started a clean eating group. At first, I was very skeptical, I didn't want to change everything all at once...I knew it was just setting me up for failure. So, I changed a little here and a little there.
Guess what? Clean eating really does work!
I have done quite a few clean eating groups since then. I have done the 3 Day Refresh and the Ultimate Reset, both of those programs just helped me learn even more about eating healthy! :)
If you would like to know more about clean eating or when my next group starts, please comment below or find me at:  DarLean Fitness
Make the REST of your life the BEST of your life!

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