August 11, 2015

Living My Dreams as a Beachbody Coach with My Daughter

My life has revolved around my three children and husband for the last 22 years. They have been my world and they still are!
Now I am learning that I have to make time for me too. I have to work on me...physically and emotionally. I have to have time to relax, enjoy living and love me too.
This may sound selfish to some but how am I suppose to take care of my loved ones if I don't take care of me first?
After all, when you are on a plane what do they tell you to do first? Put on your oxygen mask and then help the person beside you.
So I am inviting you to put on your oxygen mask first... To put you first so that you can then take care of the most important people in your life next. They will thank you for it!
Makes sense to me...what about you?
I would like to invite you to a zero obligation 3 Day Sneak Peek into what being a coach is all about and what it looks like when you are living your dreams.  Comment below or find me on facebook at: Darlene Caron Nutrition and Fitness

Make the REST of your life the BEST of your life!

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