August 12, 2015

With Faith ALL things are possible!

This week I have been learning to trust a lot more. We have been hit pretty hard here and I have been trying to make some huge decisions.
For a while I thought that I was all alone and it was miserable. I felt like there was no one I could turn to, just to talk, to vent a little, to push past some hurt and feelings of being left behind.
Then one of the best people in the world, gave me a stern talking to, after telling me she pretty much understood what I was going through.
So, with that said, know that I am human. I make mistakes sometimes, I make the wrong decisions sometimes, I feel left out sometimes.
But please know that even through my emotional, stressed out and sleep deprived days..I love being me.
I love my life. I love the women that allow me to share their journeys. I love being a coach!
I have given my business and life to God to do what He wants with it. I am proud of this decision. I have faith in this and I believe that ALL things are possible. heart emoticon
Do you need hope? Are you looking for someone who can help? Reach out to me. Let's talk!
Comment below or message me today. You can also find me at :DarLean Fitness

Make the REST of your life the BEST of your life! <3

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