April 17, 2016

Stop Allowing Others To Control Your Smile, Your Worth and Your Attitude

This is a very personal post for me. My entire life it seems (at least to me) that there was nothing that I was able to do right. I was never good enough at anything. I have always felt alone and like I was a complete failure. I NEVER felt worthy.  This is my struggle EVERY...SINGLE...DAY!

Since I started being a Beachbody coach almost two year ago, I have realized that statement isn’t exactly true.

Yes, there are things that I can't do but there is so much more that I can! I turned to Beachbody for the support that the challenge groups provide. The inspiration to begin, the motivation to keep going and for all of the little extras that proved to me that I could make a difference.  I know that I am making a difference in the lives of many women and I am so thankful to them for allowing me to share their journey.

But through it all, I have struggled.  The reason for that struggle is from some of the people that I care most about.  Some, NOT ALL, of my family have been not been very supportive. Not just about the coaching part, but of the journey itself.  They don’t think that Beachbody is doing anything for me.  They consider it a waste of time and money.  They nit pick at everything I do and say and constantly tear me down.  I never wanted to admit this to anyone because I didn’t want to have anyone think badly of my family. 
That got me thinking that if this is the case with some of my loved ones, I wonder if anyone else has this struggle as well. That is the ONLY reason that I am sharing this!  When I decided I wanted to lose weight a lot of it was because of teasing from people that I love, friends and family.  I thought that once I started my journey that would go away, but it didn’t.  Now I get teased, but it is different. Now that I am coaching I am teased if I am not perfect in my nutrition, if I slip up, if I skip a workout, stuff like that. I don’t know about you but that just doesn’t help me at all.

I start slipping more, I start not caring, I start wondering if it is even worth it, if I am worth it.  That is where my head has been for the last few weeks. 

But then I will have a moment of pure clarity.  It’s like a light bulb goes off and I realize that YES damn it I am worth it!  I have given control of my destiny to someone else, I am never going to continue on the right path if I don’t take the control back.  I need to focus on me and MY journey and PROVE to everyone who doesn’t believe in me that I can do this, I WILL DO THIS!  It doesn’t matter what they think.  I need to take their negative comments and instead of letting it hurt me,  I need to feed off them.  To want this more than anything and I do.

This is why I love doing challenge groups.  Because I KNOW that I am NOT alone and that there are other women out there like me.  Others who struggle.  Others who don’t have the support at home.  I want to provide a motivational, supportive atmosphere to help them , (and let’s face it ME too!)

I decided today that I needed to get back on track, so I have stopped doing the 22 Minute Hard Corps program.  Yes, I know it looks like I am quitting but I’m NOT!  I NEED to get my emotional eating under control and the one thing that has helped me in the past is the Ultimate Reset.  So I started that today.  I have started some personal development reading to get my head in the right place too. 

I read something today that I wanted to share:
The only keeper of your happiness is you.  Stop giving people power to control your smile, your worth and your attitude. 

I think it’s about time, don’t you? 

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