April 18, 2016

My Ultimate Reset Journey...Day 2

I started this morning wondering if I had made a huge mistake starting the Ultimate Reset this week.   I have some kind of virus that is seriously kicking my butt.  My ear is completely plugged, which is throwing my balance off.  My head hurts. I keep getting chills and my body hurts.  Plus I have some weird kind of hives reaction going on with my left wrist.  It completely circles the wrist and it is not going away.

So, with all of that other stuff going on, I was worried that now isn't the time.  But I know that the BEST I have ever felt was when I did the Reset last summer, so I am not giving up, I am going to keep pushing on. Only 19 days left right?

Plus, I'm not sure if the headache is from the reset or from being sick.  I know last  time I had a horrible headache from the caffeine/sugar withdrawals.  But the more water I drink the quicker it goes away.

As far as having a hard time sleeping right now.  Well, I know part of that is because my husband is working nights and I never sleep good when he isn't home. But the newsletter also said that part of it could be from withdrawals and my body starting to release toxins.  I guess I have to feel horrible before I can feel amazing.  I am willing to do that trade off.

Breakfast:  Tropical Oatmeal

Lunch:  Asian Salad without the dressing
Snack:  1/2 chocolate shakeology with pineapple
Dinner:  I went with an alternate instead tonight....Black Beans and Rice, Sweet Potato and Quinoa.  I honestly couldn't understand the combination, it seemed like a lot of starch/carbs to me but this is what the book said I could have so that is what I ate.

So far today I have drank 75 ounces but I will get the rest in before I go to bed.
Bible:  Day 4 Matthew 12-15 Parables of the King
Personal Development:  Deliberate Receiving Chapter 6:  The Four Crappy Core Beliefs We All Share

I am reading my Bible and then doing the PD right now.  It's 10:05 pm but I know that I am not in any hurry for bed.  I absolutely can't stand being alone in the house at night.  I guess I need to start getting over that. :)

As soon as I am done with my reading then I need to start working on a household budget and a budget for Summit.  My husband and I have had a few issues over the past week because of money and I am so tired of feeling like a leach all of the time.  I really want to feel like I am contributing and right now ugh...not even close.

Thank you so much for the support and your interest in this blog!  If you haven't already, please make sure to check out my DarLeanFitness Page where you can find more recipes, fitness tips, motivation and information on upcoming Health and Wellness Accountability/Challenge Groups that I offer. 

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