April 17, 2016

My Ultimate Reset Journey...Day 1

Today was my first day with the Ultimate Reset program.  It went pretty easy except for ONE thing.  I completely forgot how much I really don't like alkalinize.  :(

I really used to love the smell of fresh cut grass.  Not anymore.  You mix this one packet of green powder with 3 to 4 ounces of cold distilled water.  I really don't like drinking it, so I did some research to find out why it was included.

I found out that for maximum health our blood needs to be slightly alkaline.  A normal PH balance is 7.35-7.45 and anything that goes below 7.0 is considered acidic and can lead to making your body more vulnerable to bacteria, viruses, congestion, inflammation and disease.  Wow.  That's an eye opener.

Alkalinize helps to bring your body back to a normal PH by neutralizing excess acid and supporting your immune system.

Well, let me just say that my immune system needs all of the help it can get.  So even though I may not like the taste of it, I will drink it every day for the next 21 days.  

Bottoms up!

Here is what I did today:

Workout:  Spring cleaning and walking todayPersonal Development:   Deliberate Receiving:  Finally the Universe Makes Sense Chapter 5
Bible:  Daily Walk Bible Reading Plan Day Day 3 Matthew 8-11 Power of the King

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