April 3, 2015

Chalene Johnson, Turbofire and PiYo

I just had to share this.  If you are not familiar with Chalene Johnson then please give me just a moment of your time.

If you wait till you're ready, you'll wait forever. Remember: That pro was once an amateur. That master was once a novice. Everyone has to start. I believe in you and I know you are capable of doing amazing things. Be courageous and just start!  ~ Chalene Johnson

The first time I had heard of her was when my amazing coach Amanda was going to Las Vegas last year for the Beach Body Coach Summit. This is a yearly event, which I am so blessed to be able to go to this year with my daughter Kaitlyn Drummond​ in Nashville.

Anyhow, Amanda  was so excited about Chalene Johnson and her program Turbo Fire, which I had never heard of.  She kept going on and on about how her new program PiYo was coming out and how excited she was to start it.  That it would be great for someone like me who is challenged with flexibility, inner core strength and with my plantar fascitis.  It is a low impact program so it was perfect for me, there would be no jumping!  YES!

I have since then done 2 rounds of PiYo and am getting ready to start Turbo fire in a couple of months, waiting until I finish with Tony's P90X3.  Anyhow, she was so right.  I fell in love with Chalene.  She is so easy to follow in this program, she is so motivating.  I love that as she is asking you very nicely, can you go just a little lower, she has this huge smile and glow on her face.

If you ever have a chance, I am almost begging you to check out her facebook page.  If you need inspiration or motivation to get going, to change your life, she is definitely one that can help.

And by the way, just as an FYI, for those of you  who already have Beach body on Demand, the ENTIRE Turbo Fire program, nutrition guide, calendar etc is there.  Try one of her Turbo Fire workouts, you will LOVE it!

Don't have On Demand yet or don't know what it is all about?  Have you heard of Netflix?  It is just like that but for workouts.  Beach Body has workouts, program guides, calendars and nutrition all included when you sign up for a team beach body club membership.

If you would like to know more, then hit me up. I'm willing if you are!

Follow me at: https:  DarLean Fitness

I believed I could, so I did! <3

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