April 4, 2015

Emotional Eating with Beach Body and Still Lost 24.5 inches!

Ten months ago I started this crazy journey.  I can say that there have been some rough times but for the most part I have truly enjoyed it.

I wanted to share this to show that the scale isn't always my friend.  I am an emotional eater and the last months have been hard on my body lol.

In October, my son was in a car accident, then in January there was a car

accident, the engine went in my car last month, and my husbands car is gone now too.  So, needless to say we had a lot of car issues and stress trying to figure out what we were going to do.  I ate ALOT of my stress and gained back some of my weight.

The point of this is to say that even though I have gained back some weight, I have still lost 24.5 inches in 10 months.  My clothes are smaller and fit much better in the waist.  I would think that anyone could see the difference from my very first photo and now today's.

The moral of the story.  Don't think that the scale is your friend, because usually it isn't.  If you are like me and step on it almost every day, then you can get upset about what your so called bestie has to say.

If you are starting your journey or are even in the middle of one, then I URGE you to take photos ( you DON'T have to post them on FB, you don't have to share them with anyone but yourself) and also take your measurements.  If your not sure how to take them, message me, I can walk you through it or even send a video.  I am more than willing to help.

You won't regret using measurements and photos to measure your progress, I can promise you that.

Need help or just want to chat, send me a message. :)

Follow me at:  DarLean Fitness

                                                          I believed I could so I did! <3

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