April 7, 2015

World Health Day 2015

Good morning! Did you know that today is world health day? I didn't until about 20 minutes ago. Get ready for some tough love this Tuesday!

I get a personal development text every morning from Darren Hardy. I just wanted to share some of that with all of you. smile emoticon
Action for today:
It's simple you become what you eat. Scary thought huh?
What you put into your mouth becomes what fuels you. You are fueling the most precious and miraculous machine ever created - your body.
You wouldn't feed a championship racehorse chips, cake and soda but you have no issues with feeding yourself or even your family that stuff?
So, take action...
1-Go to your pantry.
2-Take out everything that has ingredients made by a guy in a lab.
3-Throw it away, don't give it to someone else! If it's not good for your body why would it be good for theirs?
Look at the photo below - from the farm to the plate. I realize that this is going to be very hard for some of us, I know it was hard for me this morning. I thought that I was eating clean and doing great. But...then I realized that I was buying all kinds of junk for my hubby and son. I wasn't eating it and it is their choice right? I have become an enabler. My son is 17, he eats what I buy, so if I am buying junk for him and healthy for me...well, I think you can see where I am going with this.
Share below something that you threw out.smile emoticon Mine was chips.
Have a great day!
Follow me at:  DarLean Fitness
Because I'm Worth It! <3

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