April 4, 2015

Let Me Be Your Beach Body Coach Because You're WORTH It!

What are you waiting for? If I told you that I could help you take care of yourself so that you would be able to take care of your family in return, wouldn't you say yes?

Sometimes as mom's we put other people needs first. We make sure that our kids get fed on time and hopefully it's healthy. We make sure they have play dates or whatever so they can run around and have fun. We work on getting them the best education and the best of us. When we are done with taking care of our kids, our husbands, or moms and dads, even our animals and friends, what is left for us?
Not a whole lot.
We spend so much time worrying about everyone else that we forget about ourselves. I know that I will say I'll do that for myself tomorrow. But let's get real do we ever do it tomorrow? No, we push it aside because something else will popup that needs to be done for our loved ones.
I'm not saying this is bad, I love my family and would do anything for them.
But...I need to realize that I need to take care of myself too. Why? Because I'm worth it!
If I can't take care of myself then who will take care of my family if something happens to me? If I don't take care of my health, then I take the chance of leaving them earlier than I would ever plan to.
When you get on an airplane, they go through the safety procedures. One of the first ones they tell you is that if the oxygen mask drops put YOURS on before you put on your child's. This works for all aspects of your life.
Put on your "oxygen mask", take care of you. I am waiting here for you to start your health and fitness journey. Whether you just want help with working out, eating healthier or even financial fitness, I am waiting.
Are you ready to take that step? There is no better time than now. Why?
Because you're worth it!

Follow me at:  DarLean Fitness

I believed I could so I did! <3

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