April 2, 2015

PiYo Results and April Challenge Pack

Do you like the benefits of Pilates and yoga classes but wish you could burn more calories and fat?
I've got great news for you!
With PiYo, you'll get lean and defined without jumping up and down and straining your joints! PiYo uses Pilates- and yoga-inspired moves at a cranked-up pace, so you get your stretch, strength, and burn on—all in each workout!
In my first round of PiYo, I lost 4.8 lbs and 9.05 inches!
And great news---getting a challenge pack also signs you up for Beach body on Demand. No more waiting for your dvds to be mailed, you can start working out right away!
Hit me up for more info!

I believed I could so I did!

Want more great information, recipes and motivation?  Follow me at DarLean Fitness

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