March 1, 2015

21 Day Fix Chocolate Shakeology Pie

Ok, so I won't lie, today I really didn't want to eat anything healthy.  I wanted the standard family tradition of pumpkin pie, custard pie, chocolate cream pie, banana cream pie, any kind of pie that didn't involve being healthy.

I decided that since I was trying to teach others how to eat clean that I would try a new recipe for a healthy Chocolate Shakeology Pie.  I was all for this until I heard I had to put Tofu in it.

Tofu?  Really?  In my PIE?  My first reaction wasn't pleasant.

It's funny because I have gone on cruises and tried escargot and frog legs.  I actually pride myself on trying new food each day on a cruise ship.  So, why was tofu any different?

This is 1 1/2 yellow and 1 blue/orange container.

2 Tbsp nonfat milk
1 (12 oz) container of firm (or silken) Tofu
2 scoops Chocolate Shakeology
1/2 cup all natural peanut butter
(I was suppose to use a whole wheat graham pie crust, but after I finished the filling I realized I didn't have everything to make it :(  )

1.  Place milk, tofu, Shakeology and peanut butter in blender, cover.  Blend until smooth.
2.  Pour tofu mixture into pie crust, refrigerate for at least 1 hour or until firm.
3.  Cut into eight servings

I tried to blend this in my blender, but it was so thick that my poor blender was not having any of it.  So out came the mixer.

The brave men in my family are complete wimps and will not try this pie.  They have been stuffing their faces with pumpkin and banana cream pie.  I did try it and I have to say it was good.  If I hadn't made it, I would not realize that there was tofu in it.

It just tastes like my chocolate peanut butter shakeology drink that I have for breakfast each morning, just thicker.  YUM!

I guess I will survive my tofu experience.  But, if anyone out there eats tofu,  please tell me, do you drain it before you use it?  Maybe that is why my tofu mixture was so thick, because I drained it first.

Anyhow, enjoy!  I know I will.

                                    ~Darlene <3


  1. Hi, I eat tofu all the time, I love it. In a recipe like this Darlene, definately use the slken it is softer and perfect for recipes calling for something soft and yes you always drain it. As far as the hubby and the son goes, my suggestion, don't tell them it is tofu and they would never know it. I think your pie looks delicious! !!

    1. Thanks for the tips Dianne. I will keep it in mind for the next time. :)
