March 29, 2015

PiYo Results

I started PiYo on July 6th and finished on September 3rd. I lost 4.8 lbs and 9.05 inches! 
During that time, I worked almost every day, 5 days a week at Walpole, weekends at the fair,(during Bangor Fair 16 + hour days). My mom fell and broke her elbow and knee. So, I was under a lot of pressure. I am just letting you know this because even under all of that stress, and with my eating not being 100% I still lost.

PiYo is a fantastic program and Chalene Johnson is completely amazing! The low impact workouts were not as difficult to do with my bad knee. I did have to work on my flexibility. It definitely wasn't the greatest but by the end of this program, I was doing moves that I didn't think I would ever be able to do.
Did I fall? Absolutely. I fell when I first started and at the end there were times when I still lost my balance and fell over. But I got back up and kept going. That is the key to whatever we do, not giving up, not making excuses, and struggling on.
I finally figured out that I AM WORTH IT! I am worth the time it takes to workout, to prep my meals in advance for the week.

After one round of the 21 Day Fix and PiYo...

So, now what? Now, I have moved on to Chalean Extreme. This is another program by Chalene Johnson. One of these days I am going to meet her at Summit. This one is a longer program, but I have committed not to step on the scale for the first month.

I was so fearful when I first started this program because of the weight lifting, I wasn't sure if I would be able to do it.  But I am and I am loving it.  I can not wait to see what the results will be, I am so excited...

Stay tuned.

~ Darlene 

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