March 13, 2015

3 Day Refresh + Wrestling Tournament = Failure?

Last week before we took my son to Mass for his New England Wrestling Tournament, I did the 3 Day Refresh.  I had some great results, I lost 4 lbs and 3.8 inches in 3 days.  I felt great and had a lot of energy.

Then, I went to Mass. for an incredible wrestling tournament.  I had a great time with my family, didn't watch what I ate or workout.  We were so busy and eating on the run.

When I came home I started P90X3 on that Monday so I had to take my measurements.  Let me just say that I was severely disappointed.

I gained 5 lbs and 1.75 inches in only 3 days!

Now, you can look at that and say WHAT!!!! She's a coach, she should know better.

Part of you would be right, I do know better.  But please realize that I have many hats that I wear...
> Mom
> Wife
> Coach
>>>Customer just like YOU!<<<

Does this mean my journey is perfect and that I will never have a setback?  No,

It means that I struggle too.  I am human too.  I have a hard time working out on some days.  And when I am with my family, well, I have a hard time with temptation too.

See the pattern?  Does this remind you of anyone else?

The difference is that I decided that I wanted to help others.  I love helping others reach their goals,which means that when I fail, I don't get to hide it.  I share it for the world to see, so that everyone can learn from my mistakes, not just me.

Have I learned from this? Yes and I will continue on. I will keep sharing my journey in the hopes that I can help even one person.

This is what being a coach is all about.  It's not about being perfect and never having struggles.  Because believe me when I say, we ALL have struggles.

It is about learning how to overcome those struggles in a way that can help others too.

With that said...if you would like to have a coach who is definitely human, help you, please message me or comment below.  I would love to be real with you.

If you want the opportunity to help other women while you are helping yourself, than let me know.  I am having an open house next week and would love to talk to you more about what being a coach has done for me and my family, and all that I do.


                                                                       Darlene <3

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