December 28, 2015

I Survived the Holidays By Transforming Myself with PiYo

In October, I struggled with my health and fitness journey.  I almost lost one of the people who mean the most to me in the world.  He was life flighted to Boston, where thank God, they were able to save him. <3
My goodbye photos!
My emotional eating took over and I gained over 16 lbs in one month, and Lots and Lots of inches! :(  Things got completely out of control and I felt so lost.  I spoke to Amanda, my coach and we decided that the best thing I could do for me was to start fresh, to focus on my own journey and to take a step back from coaching.

I wasn't sure about this at first.  I was afraid that everyone would think that I was giving up.  I saw this as a failure on my part, and ALL I wanted to do was hide.  But I didn't.  I was very up front with my challengers and let them know what was going on.  This was definitely the BEST thing for me!

I started PiYo on November 1st.  It still amazes me that a program that is a lot of fast stretching, pilates and yoga can transform me so much.  I was so afraid that I would not have ANY results and that I was just wasting my time. I NEEDED something to work for me, I NEEDED to be able to SEE a transformation.  I REALLY NEEDED to get my life back on track.

Mostly I NEEDED to PROVE to myself that my time as a coach was NOT a WASTE!  So, even though I struggled with eating healthy, the holidays are so hard with ALL of the temptations!  AM I right?  I did not get upset with myself when I ate something not so good for me.  I did not get upset with myself when I did not push play as often as I should.  I just kept going.

Whenever I came home tired and didn't want to push play, I would talk to a few of my AMAZING challengers, and then get my ass off the couch!  Thank you so much Rebecca for the wonderful talk we had at your house.  You have NO idea but that was a turning point for me! <3

Even with having bronchitis for the last two weeks, even with the horrible eating from the last week and not pushing play as much as I should, I am TRULY proud of my results! ;)

I lost 6% of my body fat!
I lost 11.75 lbs of fat!
I gained 8.75 lbs of muscle!

I lost 14 inches!

YES - they could have been MUCH better!  YES - I sabotaged myself quite often this round...BUT I still got some pretty AMAZING results from this program.

Just imagine what my results, or even yours, would be if  I (or you) followed this program to a T.

December 27, 2015


After making custard, pumpkin and apple pie for my family for Christmas, it was certainly nice to have one that was a healthy choice for me as well.  I can't tell you how delicious this pie is.  I am so thankful that my friend Amee at decided to share this recipe.
Besides, let's face it, everything tastes better when it is pumpkin :)

Crustless Pumpkin Pie
3 large eggs
2 cups pumpkin
½ cup honey
1 cup almond milk
1 TBSP vanilla extract
1 tsp cinnamon
½ tsp ground ginger
½ tsp ground cloves
Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees Grease pie plate with coconut oil.
In a large mixing bowl,add in three eggs, pumpkin, honey, milk, vanilla extract, cinnamon, ground ginger and cloves and whisk until mixed well together.
Add pie filling to the pie plate. Bake until the center is set and inserting a toothpick comes out clean.
21 Day Fix 1 slice of pumpkin pie = 1 purple container
This recipe is gluten free and refined sugar free.

December 3, 2015

Save Time and Money With These 10 Tips for Meal Prep

We have heard this over and over…. Meal prep is KEY to having a successful week. It’s so true! If you don’t have it prepped, you are more likely to grab the most convenient thing… which is most likely not so good for you. 

Here are a ten tips to help you with your meal prep/plans :

1-Make a Plan
Make a list of your favorite healthy foods, choose some simple recipes that you can make quickly or in bulk.  Make sure you choose what you are going to eat for every snack and meal.  This may take a little bit at first but this step does get easier and faster with some practice.

TIP:  You can save your plan for a week in the future.  Once you create a few meal prep menus then you can rotate them every week or every other week to keep things interesting.  I am going to work on creating a few for myself today.

2-Stick to Your Grocery List
When you are shopping, don’t let the sales on junk food tempt you into throwing it into your cart.  If you don’t have it in your house then you won’t have to worry about having the willpower to avoid it. Now, I realize that sometimes we have to buy it for our family members, but I suggest weaning them away from it too.  If it’s not good for you, why is it good for your loved ones?

Impulse purchases…if you can find a way to fit it in with your eating plan for the week, then go for it, but keep them to a minimum.  It helps with your waist line and your budget.

3- Don’t Forget About Shakeology
For those of you who drink Shakeo…If you feel like you are short on fruits and veggies, this is one healthy snack that takes care of it all.    I make sure to drink mine every morning.  Don’t let yourself get stuck drinking the same shakeo every day though.  Try out some new recipes.  I have found a few lately that I absolutely love.  I share them on my like page. J

4-Keep Snacks Simple
When you are cooking everything for your week, or even 3-4 days at a time, (I usually do from Sunday to Wednesday, then Thursday to Saturday), it is so important to keep things simple.  Save some time by choosing snacks that are simple to prepare.  Cups of fresh fruit, nuts, cut up veggies with hummus and hard boiled eggs are great snack ideas.

5-Cook Foods All At Once
Roast your veggies, sweet potatoes and meat all at once.  That way your dishes are all prepared for the week, ready in about 30 minutes or so.  This saves you so much time.

6-Look for Shortcuts
Buy your veggies and fruit precut (I don’t normally do this), or a cooked rotisserie chicken (be careful with this, because your not sure how much salt they use).  Tuna is an easy no cook protein that you can add to your salads or snacks.  If you are roasting veggies in the oven then try this tip to cook a dozen eggs…

Preheat your oven to 325.  Put your eggs in a  muffin tin and bake them for 30 minutes.  Then carefully remove them and plunge the eggs into a bowl of ice water until cool. 

7-Get on the Mason Jar Salad Bandwagon
Mason jar salads are very practical.  They cost about a dollar a piece, are microwave safe (remove the lid first) and have a lot of uses.  The dressing is at the bottom of the jar and the greens are at the top, no soggy lettuce for you!  I will share a few salad recipes later on. J

8-Mix Things Up
Eating the same meal every day can make your meal planning very easy. AND it is very tempting to do that, but you can get bored with what you eat.  Have two lunch options and two dinner options.  You can do this by choosing different proteins for your salads each day or eating chicken with your veggies three nights a week and fish with veggies the other nights.  Get creative but still remember to keep things simple.

9-Invest in Food Storage Containers
It’s a great idea to choose one container type and buy several that stack and store neatly.  Insulated bags make carrying your meals everywhere you go a breeze.  Mason jars and sturdy pyrex are great containers as well.  Make sure whatever you choose is microwave safe and BPA-free.

10-Keep Your Eyes on the Prize

All of these tips and your meal prep have a purpose and that is to help you reach your health and fitness goals.  When everything is prepared and it is in the fridge ready for you to take out and go, then you will be less tempted to grab something from McD’s or a gas station.  It doesn’t matter if you are doing your meal prep for a few days at a time, or for a week, getting it done will help you stick to your meal plan, focus on your goals and give you more time to Push Play!

~Darlene <3

October 22, 2015

Baked Banana Almond Oatmeal **21 Day Fix Approved**

Cook Time:30 Min Total Time:30 Min
· YELLOW - Steel Cut Oats
· PURPLE - Banana
· BLUE - Almond Slices
· FREEBIE - Cinnamon
· Optional: Drizzle Maple Syrup or Honey on top

Cook steel cut oats per directions. I typically make a large batch on the weekends and cook for about 20-25 minutes on the stovetop.  
Refrigerate portions as needed.
If you are eating it immediately, you can top it with banana slices, almond slices, a sprinkle of cinnamon (to your liking) and a little drizzle of natural sweetener (maple syrup or honey is best).
Bake in your oven at 425 for 5 minutes or until caramelized and slightly crisp.
* If refrigerated bake at 425 for 10 minutes.
21 Day Fix Optional: You can use 1 tsp of honey as a natural sweetener when on the 21 Day Fix. Honey is NOT allowed on the 21 Day Fix Extreme.

Make the rest of your life the best of your life! <3

Welcome to DarLean Fitness!

Hi my name is Darlene Caron.  I am married to the love of my life and my best friend.  I am a mother of three young adults - 23, 21 and 18. In May 2014, I was at the end of my rope.  I was overweight, unhealthy and I couldn't keep up with my very athletic family.  I had a hard time just walking from one end of my house to the other, my asthma was out of control. I had tried every diet known and I was putting the weight on instead of

Then and now taking it off.  I had NO HOPE!
On June 1, 2014 my coach had me start with the 21 Day Fix.  What a difference 21 days made in my life!  I lost 6.8 lbs and 12.9 just 21 days!  I was blown away by my results!  I learned how to control my portions from the easy meal plan that was included.  The best part was that I was changing how I felt on the inside as well.  My negativity was going away and I was starting to learn how to love myself!  I even climbed a mountain with my 17 year old son, something I have NEVER been able to do in my life!!!
I have completed two rounds of the 21 Day Fix, three rounds of the 3 Day Refresh, the Ultimate Reset, PiYo, and I am now doing CIZE.  I drink Shakeology, usually Chocolate everyday!  I am losing inches and regaining the hope and self love that I had lost as a child.
If you are ready to begin your journey, if you are ready to make a change in your life, please know that I am waiting to help you.  If you walk, I will walk with you. If you jog, I will jog with you.  If you run, then I WILL run with YOU!  You won't be alone!
Step up to the challenge, believe in yourself, and do what it takes.  Right NOW is a GREAT time to START!

It's Not an Ending, It's a Beginning

For the last month I have been completely off with every aspect of my life. Between the stress of a family emergency, trying to make it to as many of my son's senior football games as possible, a new full time job, being a coach AND a challenger, I have become completely overwhelmed. I have let my family down and I have let myself down.
a new beginningwas having difficulties sleeping, with so much to do every day, my mind just didn't want to shut down for the night. Of course, this just made matters worse. I mean, with everything I had on my plate getting 2-4 hours of sleep a night was not a big help, know what I mean?
I spent a week in Boston due to a family emergency, that pretty much scrambled what was left of my brain.
I did not want to post about any of this because I didn't want you to think I was coming up with excuses. Maybe they are excuses and if so that is something that I need to work on, but right now I am struggling and I know that it is time for a change.
I keep telling everyone that you can't take care of anyone else if you don't put on your oxygen mask first....well I really need to start taking some of my own advice.
As I was sitting on my couch sobbing for the fourth night in a row, I received a message from my coach Amanda. This beautiful woman said that I had been on her mind a lot today and she wanted to reach out. I finally told her about my struggles and how I had pretty much given up. Yup, you heard me...I had given up.
I have not worked out since October 13th. My eating has been non existent. With my job I work 7 hours with two 15 minute breaks, so I really don't eat the way I have in the past. My clean eating has gone down the drain. I am lucky if I have one meal and it is usually the quickest I can find, not too healthy I assure you. I survive in the day by eating a one of a kind bar during each break with one 16 oz bottle of water a day.
I haven't been doing any training or listening to any of my team calls. Why? Because I didn't want to admit to anyone that I was struggling to the point of failing.
I had made a commitment to doing Insanity Asylum this month. After four workouts I knew that this was not going to be a possibility. My body just can't handle it. Every time I work out it bothers my knee. I have 1/8 of my acl in my left knee and when it pops, and the doc says it will at some point in my life, I will need to have surgery. After I workout my knee hurts so much that it has been scaring me. I have been afraid to push myself because I am scared of getting hurt. So what was my solution? Instead of being honest and saying that I couldn't do it, and picking something that I am able to do...I gave up completely. I just stopped working out. :( 
I even stopped drinking my Shakeology each day because I figured if I wasn't following through with the workouts that it was just wasting my money. I guess I am an all in or all out kind of gal.
After talking to my coach tonight, I decided that things really needed to change. I am going to go back to being a challenger and taking care of me. I need to go back to he beginning and remember what it is that I love most about being a coach, working out, eating healthy....ALL of it! This doesn't mean that I am not going to be a coach. I am not giving up that, I promise. It just means that I have to start taking care of myself so that I can help you take care of you.
I am not going to be doing Insanity Asylum, like I said my knee and ankles just can't handle that. I am going back to one of my first loves...PIYO. Chalene is just what this girl needs right now. Her positive attitude, her style of training is right up my alley and is exactly what I need to find my why again. To find my love again. To find my happiness again. To find me again!
I am going to take that step back, focus on my journey and sharing it with you, back to drinking Shakeology every morning and reading some personal development to help me fall in love with all of this again. This exhausted over stressed woman needs to take some of the pressure that I have been putting on me and find out how to get rid of some of my stress. I will never be stress free but a little less stress would be great.;)
I am going to take time to take care of my family and my home again. AND I am joining a group in November (where I am just a challenger, not a coach) for women who sabotage their efforts.
So there it is, my secret is out. I am going to post my journey daily for accountability. Are you ready? I don't know about you but sure am! <3fight song
With each sunrise we are given a chance for a new beginning...mine starts tomorrow. It's not an ending but a beginning. Here is to a fresh start.

Ashwagandha, Shakeology and Hypthyroidism

Have you ever heard of Ashwagandha? Neither had I until just recently but I bet you know someone who has thyroid issues right? Check this out...
It seems like everywhere I go, I hear someone talk about thyroid issues. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism, (an underactive thyroid) 5 years ago and since then I have been taking levothyroxine every morning. About 4 months ago I stopped taking my medication.
The symptoms for hypothyroidism vary depending on the severity of the hormone deficiency, but usually any problems you have tend to develop slowly over a number of years. I barely noticed mine at first, fatigue and weight gain. I simply thought it was because of the life I was living and just getting older. If you know me, then you know that it can be 80 degrees outside and I can be cold, I am extremely sensitive to the cold.
This might be TMI but I have always had an issue with being constipated, to the point of having to take 10-15 stool softeners a day and still not being able to go to the bathroom. Some other symptoms that I have are dry skin, a puffy face, hoarseness, muscle weakness, thinning hair, weak nails, a very slow heart rate, depression and I am extremely forgetful at times. Like I said, a lot of the symptoms could be mistaken just for growing older. So let me just tell you how ecstatic I was to find that drinking my Shakeology every day could help with my thyroid! YAY! :)
One of the superfoods in Shakeology is Ashwagandha, which is considered a superstar when it comes to improving the health of your thyroid. It is extremely effective in balancing hormones. One thing that is incredible about Ashwagandha is that it works for people who have either hypo or hyper thyroid issues. Wow! It has even been shown to help support a sluggish thyroid for people who have been diagnosed with Hashimotos or even to help improve the health of those with Graves disease, which is an overactive thyroid. Amazing huh?
This herb works with your body to help bring back the balance, whether your levels are low or high. In a 20 day study of mice there was evidence that this herb has a stimulatory effect on a sluggish thyroid. No wonder I feel so much better after drinking Shakeology every day.
For the last week I have not been working out or drinking my Shakeology and I can tell the difference. I am constipated again, I have no energy, I hurt, I haven’t been sleeping very well and I have been so cold. After doing my research and finding out more about Ashwagandha, which is just ONE of the super foods in Shakeology, I am definitely going to make sure I NEVER go another day without my chocolate shakeology!
Actually I think I will go make a glass right now!
Make the rest of your life the BEST of your life!
~Darlene <3

September 20, 2015

21 Day Fix REVIEW

On June 1, 2014 I started the 21 Day Fix. Autumn Calabrese is completely amazing and I fell in love with this program.  I love the variations each day. It was nice not to do the same work out over and over.

Each Sunday, my daughter would help me with the meal prep for the week.  I would fill each of the containers, put that food into baggies marked with what color coded container they went with, then put it all in a plastic shoebox in my refrigerator.

Every night, I came home from work and no matter how tired I was I would push play and work out.  The key to any program is making sure to push play.  At the beginning you may not feel like it, you may think I am too tired, too sore, too whatever.  But at the end there is the "post workout high" and I always felt great.

When I started my first round I made sure to be in a challenge group.  I joined my coach Amanda's group, June 21 Day Fixers.  The women were incredible.  They were so inspiring and every time that I even thought for a moment that I did not want to continue, I would read one of their posts and then push play.

My biggest problem in the past has always been finishing what I start.  I did finish this program and I sent my results to Beach Body.  They sent me a great tshirt which I wear with pride because I know that I didn't buy this, I EARNED it!

This is my truly amazing coach Amanda Smith, and of course me wearing my new 21 Day Fix tshirt. 

Love it!!!!

In 21 days I lost 6.8 lbs and 12.9 inches.  I was truly amazed.  This program was super easy, a lot of fun and I really do love the containers.

I did learn an lesson and that was the importance of taking photos.  Your goodbye photos (before photos) and then your hello photos (after photos).  One of the ladies in the group I am in came up with goodbye photos.  I truly love that. So from now on I am going to use that terminology.

Anyhow, make sure that you take your photos, and measurements so that you can see your progress when you finish any program that you do.

The 21 Day Fix is amazing and I did 2 rounds of it.  If you have any questions or would like help to start your journey, message me, I would love to help.


September 14, 2015

Shakeology Super Food Sancha Inchi in the the Spotlight!

Today was a very emotional day for me. I sat in front of my computer taking turns between studying and just staring at the screen. I came across a video showing Darin Olien, the maker of Shakeology traveling the world looking for the perfect ingredients that go into my shake. After drinking Shakeology for a year, I am ashamed to admit that I had no idea what was in it. 

When I first started drinking it, I had been told that it was good for me and it would be a game changer in my health journey. I was told it would help me lose weight, but that is just one benefit from drinking this amazing shake.

So, I started drinking it. Yes, I saw the effects. I had more energy. My skin was softer. I didn’t have to take 8-10 stool softeners a day. My hair and nails were growing really fast. I wasn’t depressed anymore.

The benefits of drinking Shakeology are amazing to me and well worth the money I save each month to make sure I am NEVER without it! I decided I wanted to know more about the ingredients.

The first one is Sacha Inchi. It is native to Peru. These seeds have a nut like flavor when roasted. It is rich in Vitamin E and Omega-3 Fatty Acids.

Sacha Inchi promotes weight loss and can also help reduce excess abdominal fat. Oh yeah, I need help in that area. I’m with you so far, what else does it do for me? I was amazed to find that not only does it aid in weight loss but it also helps fight depression, reduce cholesterol levels, prevent heart disease and aid in the management of diabetes.

I’m sold! I have battled with depression most of my life. To know that there is something that I am drinking every day that is helping my emotional state, is a huge selling point to me. The money that I have saved from not being on anti depressants alone is enough to pay for my monthly Shakeology.

This information is not something I grabbed out of thin air. There have been scientific studies to back up the claims that Sacha Inchi helps with high cholesterol and weight loss. Sancha Inchi is unsually high in tryptophan,an amino acid which is essential to the production of serotonin, a chemical involved in regulating your appetite. No wonder I am not hungry for hours after I drink my daily shake.

This is just one of the amazing super foods that make up Shakeology. Amazing that every day in my little town of Dover Foxcroft, I am drinking a super food from Peru!

Please comment below, like and share this message! 

Make the REST of your life the BEST of your life! <3

September 9, 2015

My CIZE journey!

I wanted to be up front and completely honest with everyone.  Please bare with me this post is not the easiest for me to do.

I took the first photos of me getting ready to do CIZE on August 10th, which means that Sept 6th should have been the end of my month long journey with CIZE.  I have decided that it isn’t going to be the end though.

When I first started CIZE, I was completely committed to it.  I was having so much FUN doing the workouts that on some days I would do it 2 and sometimes even 3 times!  It never felt like a workout to me.  It was more of a stress reliever. 

I won’t go into the details because I promised someone I would not post about it on facebook, but I have some stuff going on with my family right now, that I am having an extremely hard time dealing with.  There is a lot of emotional upheaval with it, which of course brings on the emotional eating.  I have been struggling with eating right and sometimes even with the workouts because I have been helping my mom and dad more this year at the fairs.

Week 1 of CIZE I was doing fantastic,  I lost 3 lbs and almost 4 inches!  I was getting extreme results from dancing.  I never thought that was possible! <3

The second week I was at Skowhegan Fair for half of the week, so I wasn’t able to workout and watch my eating as well as I should.  The beginning of the third week I was at the Union Fair and then the end of the week I was at the Piscataquis Fair.  Needless to say, once again, working out and eating was NOT where it should have been.  The end of my fourth week I was at the Springfield fair, here we go again right?  

After working off and on at the fairs for the last few weeks and not being consistent with my Cize workouts my numbers have gone in the opposite way.  This is not the programs fault!  I take full ownership of my lack of results!

Why am I telling you all of this….it’s not because I want to excuse my lack of working out or my not so great eating for the last 3 weeks.  It’s NOT because I want to excuse my not being as active in my groups as I should be.  It IS to explain why I have made the decision that I made today.  I don’t want to share results that are not TRUE to this program.  It will take away from CIZE and how incredible the program actually is!  If I am not completely honest with you, then what would be the point of sharing my journey with you. ;)

With that said, I have decided to start a NEW round of CIZE. I am going to be COMPLETELY committed to this program, so that in 4 weeks I can give you some TRUE results and show you exactly what this program can do for ME and for YOU!

My starting measurements are:
Weight 173.6 
Body Fat 37%
Chest 40”
Waist 36.5”
Hips 40”
Right Thigh 21.75”
Left Thigh 21.5”
Right Arm 12”
Left Arm 12”

I did Day 1 Crazy 8's and was sweating up a storm!  I absolutely love dancing and I can't wait to see what my results are in 4 weeks!

I am looking for some accountability partners, someone who wants to do this with me. Together we are stronger!  Is that you?  Are you ready to CIZE it up?  If so comment below or send me a message today.

Are you ready to talk about your options and start your journey?  Are you looking for a free coach?  Are you ready to join a challenge group to keep you motivated and on track?
Clink the link below and let's talk!

~Make the REST of your life the BEST of your life! <3

September 8, 2015

DIY Coffee and Coconut Oil Body Scrub

Did you know that coffee can be more than the morning pick me up?  Check this out.

Coffee is a natural exfoliator!  Seriously!  You can use your favorite coffee in a body scrub!  :)

Exfoliation is the removal of dry, dead skin cells that collect on the outer surface of your skin.  The coffee buffs these skin cells off, leaving a healthy glow to your skin. This aids in our bodies own renewal process.  Amazing!

While it is next to impossible to get rid of cellulite, this home made body scrub will help firm and smooth your skin.  The caffeine helps reduce it's appearance and the coconut oil will hydrate and smooth. Plus, it smells fantastic!  It's a win win! <3

I am not saying that it will reduce your cellulite but coffee and coconut oil are rich in antioxidants which are beneficial for your skin!

Coffee Scrub Recipe

Use fresh coffee grounds for a greater concentration of caffeine

1 cup coffee grounds (used)
1 cup of Coconut Oil (melted)
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 TBSP cinnamon (optional)
1 TBSP vanilla (optional)

1. Melt coconut oil and allow it to cool but not solidify.

2. Mix all ingredients together and store in an airtight container or mason jar.

3. Use 1-2 times a week (or everyday if you like).

4. The coffee and sugar will exfoliate your skin and the coconut oil will leave your skin soft and moisturized

Make the REST of your life, the BEST of your life! <3

September 3, 2015

Why am I a Beach Body Coach?

  • Make the REST of your life the BEST of your life!

September 1, 2015

Get Autumn Calabrese's FIXATE cookbook FREE!

Did you know that September is Autumn Calabrese's birthday? Woohoo!
Maybe you don't know who she is...well, back in June of 2014, when I was at my absolute lowest, I decided to take a chance and try the 21 Day Fix. It was a last ditch effort to get healthy and lose weight! Not only did I lose weight, but I also learned how to control my portions! The 21 Day Fix was created by none other than, you guessed it....AUTUMN CALABRESE!
So, I decided to honor one of my favorite trainers and to help celebrate her birthday month.....
Drum roll please.....
Anyone who purchases a challenge pack or signs to be a coach (with me) gets a FREE Fixate cookbook! Want more information....comment below or send me a message!
Happy birthday to the amazing Autumn Calabrese! I can not wait for the sneak peek of your new program Hammer and Chisel to be on Beachbody on Demand starting in October!
If you would like to know more about the 21 Day Fix, Fixate, when my next group starts or how you can become a coach on my team, please comment below or find me at:  DarLean Fitness

  1. Make the REST of your life, the BEST of your life! <3

August 20, 2015

Chocolate Strawberry Cheesecake Shakeology

Today I woke up with cheesecake on the brain. Oh no! I am the biggest addict of ALL things cheesecake! So, I knew that today was going to be a struggle.
My favorite? I don't have one, if it has chocolate it's good, strawberries it's good, caramel yup, you guessed it...IT'S GOOD!
So I wracked my brain trying to come up with some way that I could have the best of both hit me when I logged in to teambeachbody.
They had a link for Chocolate Raspberry Cheesecake Shakeology! REALLY????
Now, I didn't have the raspberries, but I had strawberries. Yup...I made some delicious chocolate strawberry cheesecake shakeology. 
smile emoticon

Chocolate Strawberry Shakeology
1/2 purple, 1/2 yellow, 2 Red

½ cup low-fat (1%) milk
¼ cup water
¼ cup reduced fat (2%) plain yogurt
1 scoop Chocolate Shakeology
¼ cup part skim ricotta cheese
½ cup fresh or frozen raspberries
1 cup ice

1. Place milk, water, yogurt, Shakeology, ricotta, raspberries, and ice in blender; cover. Blend until smooth.

Are you looking for more the link below! Enjoy! 

Have you thought of trying shakeology but you weren't sure which flavor you would like?  Are you curious about how I can help you with your health and fitness journey?  
Comment below or find me on facebook at : DarLean Fitness
Also look for me on:

Make the REST of your life the BEST of your life! <3

August 19, 2015

Creamy Chicken Salad - Fixate Style

Are you looking for a fantastic supper idea that is quick, super easy and doesn't require much cooking on this hot summer day?

Check this out.  I had this today for my lunch and it was so good I just may have it for supper too!

This is from Autumn Calabrese's Fixate Cookbook.

Creamy Chicken Salad Wrap
1 1/2 Green, 1 1/2 yellow, 1/2 purple, 1 red, 1/2 blue and 1/2 orange

3 cups chopped rotisserie chicken breast (boneless / skinless)
1/2 cup chopped green apple
1/2 cup seedless red grapes, cut in half
1/2 cup raw almonds
2 green onions, sliced
2 Tbsp chopped fresh tarragon
1/4 cup Honey Mustard Dressing (see below)
8 cups shredded romaine lettuce
 I used mine to make a wrap by using
1 8 inch sprouted whole grain tortilla and not serving it on a bed of lettuce. :)

Combine chicken, apple, grapes, almonds, green onions, tarragon, and Honey Mustard Salad Dressing in a large bowl.  Mix well and then refrigerate (covered) for 2 hours.
Fold 1 1/4 cup Creamy Chicken Salad in the sides of the tortilla and roll the wrap burrito-style.

Honey Mustard Dressing:
** Serves 8 with 2 Tbsp per serving
** 1 Orange Container
1/2 cup reduced fat plain Greek yogurt
3 Tbsp Dijon mustard, gluten-free
3 Tbsp raw honey
3 Tbsp rice vinegar
1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil
Sea Salt to taste (optional)

Directions: Combine yogurt, mustard, honey, and vinegar in a medium bowl and mix well. Slowly add the oil, whisking constantly until well blended.

Delicious! :)

If you would like to find out more about the delicious recipes in Fixate, join a fitness or clean eating challenge group or even would like to know what being a beachbody coach is all about you can either leave a comment below, send me a message or find me at :  DarLean Fitness

Make the REST of your life the BEST of your life!

August 13, 2015

5 Day Shakeology Shake and Share Group

Hey everyone. I feel like I have let some of you down by not sharing one of my favorite meals of the day with you...Shakeology. Now, I know a lot of you are afraid to try it because you think that it is just another protein shake, the market is flooded with them right? It is so much more than that.
Shakeology is my healthiest meal of the day! It is filled with some amazing super foods that have not only helped me to feel full, grow my hair and nails quicker, helped with my digestion and skin, just to name a few!
I know, I know. I can hear you now complaining about how much it costs. But I want you to ask yourself if you were going to go to a restaurant, even Subway and get a healthy lunch how much would it cost you? Can you get it for $4? I don't think so! There is so much more to Shakeology and I would love to share some of that with you. smile emoticon
I am starting a 5 Day Shake and Share Group on August 24th and would love for you to join me. This is the best way for you to try Shakeology and start seeing some quick benefits (increased energy, reduced cravings, stay full longer between meals, weight loss and more) to see if Shakeology is right for you.
The Shakeology sampler comes with 5 days of Shakeology for $25 and is a requirement to be in this group. The tips and clean eating recipes in this group are free!
I have a limited supply of Chocolate, Vanilla and Strawberry, so message me today or comment below to reserve your spot!
Please pay it forward and share this with your friends, family or anyone else that you believe would be interested.
If ou have any questions or would like to talk over some options you can find me at: DarLean Fitness
Make the rest of your life the BEST of you life!

August 12, 2015

With Faith ALL things are possible!

This week I have been learning to trust a lot more. We have been hit pretty hard here and I have been trying to make some huge decisions.
For a while I thought that I was all alone and it was miserable. I felt like there was no one I could turn to, just to talk, to vent a little, to push past some hurt and feelings of being left behind.
Then one of the best people in the world, gave me a stern talking to, after telling me she pretty much understood what I was going through.
So, with that said, know that I am human. I make mistakes sometimes, I make the wrong decisions sometimes, I feel left out sometimes.
But please know that even through my emotional, stressed out and sleep deprived days..I love being me.
I love my life. I love the women that allow me to share their journeys. I love being a coach!
I have given my business and life to God to do what He wants with it. I am proud of this decision. I have faith in this and I believe that ALL things are possible. heart emoticon
Do you need hope? Are you looking for someone who can help? Reach out to me. Let's talk!
Comment below or message me today. You can also find me at :DarLean Fitness

Make the REST of your life the BEST of your life! <3