February 1, 2015

Hate Is a Strong Emotion

This photo was taken in Key West from my cruise in 2009. It is not a photo that I usually share with anyone. I am the person who usually hides behind the camera.

Sometimes you have to look back to see how far you have come.

I had a fellow coach ask me tonight if I could imagine what things would be like for us 6 months from now? We have inspired and pushed each other forward. Dianne and I have been through a lot together.

I honestly don't know how much I weighed in this photo because I had stopped weighing myself when I reached 220. And I can tell you that I was at least 40 lbs heavier in this photo. I could barely breathe and I could barely walk.

I had a lot of excuses of why I couldn't lose the weight:

I am too heavy, I can't do any of these moves – WRONG! Modify, modify, modify!

I don't have the time because I have 3 kids – WRONG! I have an amazing woman in one of my groups who has 6 kids and she is crushing it!

I am too old – WRONG – I did P90 and one of the gentleman on the program is in his 60s.

I don't have the money – WRONG – I could afford to take my kids out to eat and to the movies all the time. It isn't a matter of not being able to afford it, it was a matter of priorities.

I can't because I fail at everything I do. - WRONG – You only fail when you decide to quit before you try.

Working out didn't just change how I look on the outside, it also changed how I feel and think about myself and others. I went from a destructive person who hated everything, to someone who was very happy and looking at the world in a more positive light. I love that I am working out and reaching my goals at the same time that I am meeting some incredible women and helping them.

Do you sit at home looking at your closet and decide you can't go anywhere because you have nothing to wear? I have been there. Do you stay home hiding in your room so no one can see you devour a ½ gallon of ice cream? I have been there. Do you fight with your loved ones because you are so miserable and hate yourself so much that you don't know how to deal with happy people around you? I have been there. Do you hate yourself so much that you have tried to take your own life? I have been there too.

You can be happy. You can change your life. You are worth it. There is someone who cares.

Want help? Comment or message below. I would love to talk with you.

~ Darlene

“I believed I could, so I did!”

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